[h3]Seattle Edge Towers Varo Yelkian[/h3] Back again after two long years. Varo thought as he gazed at Edge Towers from the sideway. Looking up at the tall tower, he could only feel remorse and curiosity. Yes, he did leave the group two years ago and has gone on a journey across Earth to find himself. Staring in America and then across the world. But after two years of wandering and seeking a place for himself. Varo has not found that place in the two years of traveling the Earth. True, he has helped people and found some happiness, but nothing close to what he had with his father. There was nothing for him in space, no world to call his own. He is not even sure he can call Earth his home at this point. So, after two years of wandering and failing to find a place for himself. Varo has decided to return here to the first group that took him in. The first group that helped him to ease himself with living on Earth. His potential new family and the one he walked away from. Varo is kinda surprised that he can still remember how to get here, and from the outside, it looks the same, at least. But Varo felt nervous about going in. He has not seen anyone from there in two years, and would they even accept him back in? Would coming back be in vain? Another nervous thought, and after some time of prepping himself. He thought, well, time to see who is still home. So Varo, with one last nervous long breath. He went inside. Varo could hear voices as he neared the kitchen. One voice he recognized, Eilidh, he thinks that was her name. Her accent he remembers, but the other voice. Male, and said something about something being in the wall. That voice he could not place, but what did he mean that there is something in the walls? Thus, Varo being cautious when he finally turned the corner and saw Eilidh, Kalianne, Red and a new face. Who Varo, upon seeing the werewolf start to turn. He defensively readied himself before speaking to the two. "Hello, Eilidh, Kali and Red, nice to see you all again." Trying to sound friendly despite being concerned about the newcomer. "Who is this, and have I come at a bad time?"