[h1][b][i][color=A2797E][center]Sabine Bassard[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5e/e8/0f/5ee80f60848d0b3a86d766c75ee1b800.gif[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=A2797E][b]Location[/b][/color]: Gym - Training Room A [color=A2797E][b]Skills[/b][/color]: Memory Manipulation [/center] [hr][hr] It was annoying, but it seemed their enemies were good at blocking out mental attacks. Thankfully, Dorian had managed to get most of them under his spell. The toughest seeming one was lost in the song, leaving the others to be dealt with. Percy and Danni were managing on their own, Percy especially using his teleportation powers to defend the hostage, which had been abandoned. Even Zelda was holding her own, though Sabine was sure she didn't want to be there. Sabine left Dorian to handle Arsene, setting her sights on Salah. The girl was somewhat controlled, but she was not gone and she could be a valuable ally. Sabine attempted to breach her mind, but ended up hitting a wall. She tried again, but came up short. Frustrated, she dropped the pretense. She looked around. The enemies seemed to be able to block mental assaults through her mind. Had they read up on her and prepared? She was not one to lay down though. Sabine made her way over to the hostage. If she could not attack, she would defend. She unsheathed her sword, holding it up before slamming it into the ground, hoping to produce a force field around her and the hostage. Hopefully, the others could manage the fight. Even if she had to drop the shield, she would be willing to fight them off. Maybe in the onslaught, she could pierce their stubborn minds. [hider=Roll Request]Sabine is going to use her sword's power to produce a force field around herself and the hostage.[/hider]