[quote=@ActRaiserTheReturned] Suddenly, the four people had all disappeared. Since Fei was one of the individuals Stregobor was supposed to recruit, she was the only one who could see this occur in The Food Court. The old man, Stregobor, suddenly appeared right in front of her. "Oh, I could see that you've seen that." Meanwhile, the other three that had seen The Entities were already reappearing in the crowd, though no one seemed to notice. The voices spoke to them. [b]"Look for anything suspicious. We can direct your steps to find who you're looking for, but for that to work you have to start looking."[/b] [/quote] Fei was naturally Startled by a random old man, one that she had seen disappear then straight up reappear while she was eating her lunch, after it seemed like for a moment that she was about to choke on her lunch only for it to go down the right pipe, (Thank God) then once she had recovered from her shock it quickly gave away to rage. "ALRIGHT OLD MAN! WHERE DID YOU GET THE IDEA YOU COULD STARTLE ME LIKR THAT!? I ALMOST CHOKED TO DEATH BECAUSE OF YOU, YOU IDIOT!" [quote=@ActRaiserTheReturned] [b]"Oh, I could see that you've seen that." [/b] [/quote] "OF COURSE I SAW THAT! WHO WOULDN'T SEE 4 PEOPLE VANISH THEN COME BACK LIKE THEY JUST WENT TO THE RESTROOM?? JUST WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE???" Fei asked furiously.