[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/hPXx3i9m.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2]Scarlet Thorne[/h2][/center] [i]'Very well,'[/i] Scarlet thought to herself. [i]'But it'd better be someone important. Just one murder? People die every day.'[/i] Although she was a bit skeptical about this being the first step in the beings' plan to save the world - that was immaterial to her. Gaining more power was the point. The darkly clad teenager phased back into the convention center, without the food she'd been holding a moment ago. It seemed that another girl had noticed their disappearance; when they arrived back she started shouting at Stregobor about it and making a scene. Scarlett hit her with a disarming look of annoyance. [b]"Pipe down, kid. It was just the old man's power."[/b] She quickly gathered that Stregobor was accepting of her, because her words had to be in reply to his address. [b]"And we've got a problem to solve here."[/b] She turned back towards the others and started formulating. [b]"Let's check the convention schedule again. I have a feeling they might make their move during a presentation. That's when it'd be easiest to plan a hit, and when the results would be the most high-profile. Until the next showing, we can fan out and search for them among the crowd."[/b] Her red eyes were already scanning their faces and bodies, looking for anyone who seemed formidable. Ever since the changes happened, her perception was just on a different level compared to before. She felt sure that she would notice anyone worth their salt. Naturally she was looking upwards as well. The assassin could be hiding somewhere up there to establish reliable sight lines. [b]"Do you have any tips for us, pops?"[/b] The flippant question was directed towards the wizard.