[center][h3][b][color=ff48a5]Mary Sue Sullivan[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://image.film.at/images/cfs_landscape_616w_347h/7106616/46-149344534.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=ff48a5]Location:[/color][/b] The Gym- Training Room C [b][color=ff48a5]Skills: [/color][/b] Friendship [hr][hr][/center] Mary Sue's face hardened as she was pulled down towards the ground. There was an anger in her eyes at the assault that made her [i]want[/i] to fight back. As she rolled way, she was ready to spring up and hit her back, but she hesitated. The siren was gagged; she wasn't a threat anymore. The smart thing would be to raise herself up, and go after the person that was threatening to take down her barrier. That, she decided, was exactly the thing she was gonna do. Rising to her feet, she drew ragged breath, and turned towards Michaela, ready to stop her. Closing the distance between them, she wanted to cut off her sight. If she had the ability to damage her barriers, she knew that Mary Sue couldn't beat her in a straight up fight. That meant she absolutely had to give herself a combat advantage in some form. reaching out a hand behind her, an eyepatch covered one of Michaela's eyes, and Mary Sue seethed. This was a failure, and she needed to make sure it didn't matter "[color=ff48a5]Guys, we should [i]really[/i] focus over here. Please[/color]." As she threw a fist towards the girl, only to miss. This was bad, and somebody needed to step in to help.