[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/SR52k84p/54b4e63d635603b22d80f72a4ba2be54.png[/img][hr][img]https://media.tenor.com/81TYwkhtRmYAAAAC/avengers-ready.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Nallore][@Trainerblue192][@Achronum][@PatientBean][@Forsythe][@Blizz][@Kirah][@Natsu][hr][h3][color=AC3EFF][b]Round One - Mon. Oct. 18th, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][color=AC3EFF]Training Room A[/color] Excelsior (villains) vs the Mighty Marvels (heroes) Ser Nemo vs Jack of Harts Judges - the Black Knight, Crystal of the Inhumans, Shang-Chi [hider=Rosters]Excelsior - Sabine Bassard (junior) Zelda Flynn (freshman) Dorian Gray (junior) Danni Kingston (junior) Percy Novikov (freshman) Mighty Marvels - Arsène Lane (senior) (he/him) Emily Colter (sophomore) (she/they) Paul Feigenbaum (senior) (he/him) Xènia Papadopoulos (senior) (she/her) Salah Qadir (sophomore) (they/them)[/hider] [color=AC3EFF]Training Room B[/color] Uncanny Avengers (villains) vs the Unity Squad (heroes) Usagi vs Tigra Judges - She-Hulk, Blade, Rogue [hider=Rosters]Uncanny Avengers - Edward Acra (senior) (he/him) Leah Jordan (junior) Diana Novikova (junior) Zari Raynordattir (junior) Victoria van Dyne (junior) The Unity Squad - Momchil Angelov (senior) (they/them) Sveva Akerman (freshman) (she/her) Jyoti Singh (sophomore) (she/her) Rada Sternberg (freshman) (she/her) Abby Smith (freshman) (they/them)[/hider] [color=AC3EFF]Training Room C[/color] The Huntresses (villains) vs the New Defenders (heroes) Lady Nimue vs Brunnhilde Judges - Iron Man, the Hulk, Black Widow [hider=Rosters]The Huntresses - Madalyne Crane (sophomore) Andy Gallio-Lensherr (junior) April Flynn (junior) Mary Sue Sullivan (Freshman) Gideon Muir (senior) (she/her) the New Defenders Megan Pendragon (freshman) (she/her) Enya Mac Suibhne (freshman) (she/they) Neferkare Ali (freshman) (he/any) Theda Papadopoulos (senior) (she/her) Michaela Jones (senior) (she/her)[/hider][hr][center][h3][color=AC3EFF][b]Uncanny Avengers[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr] Ed was really hoping that this would all be over soon. He glanced at the clock on the wall, but found that the lighting was too poor for him to make it out. He didn't think to include a watch in his superhero get-up, but maybe that'd need to be an improvement for the future. He was, of course, perfectly content to hang back with the hostage while the others did the heavy lifting. It was his strategy in almost every physical activity. Momchil was still out cold, but no one had made any move to move them. There was a possibility they'd wake up before time had elapsed, after all. Sveva and Rada were both dazzled, seeing spots in their vision thanks to Vicky's high intensity spotlight. Diana's arrows had set off a net around Rada, the steel girl tripping to the ground and flailing about, trying to get free. Sveva instead just got a nasty bruise on her chest, from the blunt force of the failed arrow hitting her. "Hold still!" Sveva shouted, blinking a few times before activating her eye beams. She knew she didn't have any real risk of hurting Rada, as long as Rada was in her steel form, but she tried to be careful anyways. Her control was perfect, her moves precise, and her laser beams burned away the net ensnaring Rada. Rada then charged into the hole she and Sveva had been working on earlier, throwing all of her might against it. Leah was doing her best to maintain the structural integrity of it, but so many assaults at once was difficult to parse. Sveva joined her eye beams to another spot, Abby rammed with electricity flickering all around them. Three different potential breach points. Once again, Abby was the only one who was victorious - and rather than dramatically monologue, Abby ran through. Their supply of electricity they'd consumed was beginning to run low though, and instinctively, their gaze narrowed in on Vicky. "Yum," they said with a grin. Up in the sky, Jyoti was doing her very best not to fall to her death. Her concentration had been shaken, the lightning briefly ceasing, as she struggled to stabilize herself. She managed to do so at the last second, slowly her descent enough to minimize the pain as she hit the ground. She saw that Abby had made it on through, and given the numbers disadvantage, Jyoti did the first thing that came to mind. "Wind!" Jyoti shouted. Maybe it was the extra adrenaline pumping through her veins, but she executed her move perfectly. A GIGANTIC gust of wind shot from out of nowhere, blowing the opposing team back towards the hostage. Vicky, Leah, and Arcade were all blown into the back wall. Diana fell off of Leah's earth wall, towards her team's side. Mr. Sparkles lost control, flying into the back wall, neighing in distress. Unfortunately for Jyoti, Abby was sent flying as well - Abby crashed into Vicky, Ed, and Leah. Sveva and Rada took advantage of the chaos, and charged on through the hole that Abby made. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=42A9FF]April Flynn[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2b/0a/93/2b0a9358189229cfe46020b75a8fc358.gif[/img][hr][b][color=42A9FF]Location:[/color][/b] Gym - Training Room C [b][color=42A9FF]Skills:[/color][/b] Hydrokinesis [hr][hr][/center] April gasped for air instinctively, water filling her lungs. From a distant, logical perspective, she knew this wasn't ideal... But somehow, she felt fine. She felt like she was breathing. She should have been drowning, struggling for breath, and yet she was breathing easily - as easily as she could be when fighting a seal-creature. Her opponent she recognized as a selkie, a variant on the classical mermaid. She knew that they were Celtic creatures, people with seals for the bottom half, but... That was about where her knowledge began and ended. It didn't help either that Enya was thrashing April underneath the water. She tried to force the water to shoot upwards, to spring them both from the pool, but April couldn't move her hands. She needed that physical connection, that physical movement, in order to control the water around them. Instead, Enya managed to shove her closer and closer to the bottom of the pool. April tried then the only option available to her. She threw her head forward, hoping to stun Enya and get free. Instead, her nose collided with Enya's face and there was a sickening [i]CRACK![/i] Blood began to flow, drifting upwards in a red cloud around the two of them. Enya narrowed her eyes, as if to say [i]gross[/i]. Meanwhile, Megan and Gideon were still locked in swordplay. It was a masterclass in fighting techniques and skills. At one moment, Megan held her sword to Gideon's neck - the next moment, Gideon was somehow on top of Megan, a sword to Megan's chest. The dance continued, over and over again. They had to get tired eventually - right? "I guess you just like to watch, huh?" Gideon baited Andy. Nefekare let out a scream of frustration. "Fucking melt already, you stupid ice!!!!!!!" That left then, of course, Theda and Michaela. Michaela had almost broken through the dome by the time Mary Sue got to her. An eyepatch had manifested itself onto one of her eyes, blocking her sight - her sight on this plane, at least. The force that fueled her was not of any sentient species known to the galaxy. She saw with more than just eyes. It was easy then to dodge Mary Sue's punch. "Thanos spawn," Michaela whispered, her voice strangely echoing. "You will disappoint those you love." She then turned and brought down her hand against the dome. It shattered. The hostage golem was then revealed. Theda grabbed Mary Sue from behind, putting her into one of the wrist locks they were taught at the school, as Michaela grabbed the hostage. [hider=Ongoing Effects]Megan - she draws ire and hate, bringing out those negative emotions and causing people to focus on attacking her in a fight [list][*]Madalyne Crane: Feeling anger and hate, but not blinded [*]Andy Gallio-Lensherr: Blinded by her anger and hate for Megan [*]April Flynn: Not impacted [*]Mary Sue Sullivan: Not impacted [*]Gideon Muir: Not impacted [/list] Theda Papadopoulos - she is a siren, her voice will drive you to madness, seducing you with what you want most [list][*]Madalyne Crane: Not impacted [*]Andy Gallio-Lensherr: Not impacted [*]April Flynn: Not impacted [*]Mary Sue Sullivan: Not impacted [*]Gideon Muir: Not impacted [/list][/hider][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=ed1c24]Percy Novikov[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/5908331ec0b49a380a9c956f183679b4/3b2fd09da33ce029-24/s400x600/b3bf361ddcf40d23e95ba393968305ec799fe0c3.gif[/img][hr][b][color=ed1c24]Location:[/color][/b] Gym - Training Room A [b][color=ed1c24]Skills:[/color][/b] Temporal Teleportation, Small time-space displacement jumps ( < 50 ft range) [hr][hr][/center] Inside her mind, or the astral plane, or wherever the person possessed by Dorian perceives themselves to be, Xènia was fighting to regain control. However, she had little experience with being the one [i]under[/i] sway - she was typically the one doing it to other people. Her efforts to free herself were relatively feeble and weak, easily brushed aside by Dorian, as he managed to continue the possession with ease. However, the same could not be said for Dorian's continuation of the siren's song. Arsène was staring at Dorian/Xènia with clouded eyes of adoration. He was nodding eagerly at the idea of fighting Salah, of proving his worth against theirs. But then, Arsène's eyes cleared. His mind was his own again. His hands were still grasping Dorian/Xènia's feet. That made things easier. His eyes glowed red as he drained Dorian/Xènia dry of energy, almost to the brink of death, but not quite. That would've been against the rules, after all. As Dorian/Xènia collapsed, Arsène made an executive decision, shuttling the energy over to Paul. The tall boy stirred, suddenly alert and conscious again, fueled with the energy of almost two extra lives. Things were [i]not[/i] looking good for Excelsior. Arsène and Paul both ran towards the hostage, seeing that Salah had been going on the assault. Emily joined them. The entire team was closing in. Percy's eye twitched. Danni didn't even seem to [i]realize[/i] he had almost set him on fire, all in his stupid stunt to make a fire circle. Percy didn't support a mutant cure, but maybe some version of it would be good for Danni. He was a walking disaster, just waiting to burn someone alive and not even notice it had happened. [color=ed1c24]"We are going to have a chat [i]later[/i],"[/color] Percy growled. Sabine had rushed on over, pulling out her replica She-Ra sword. She slammed it into the ground, and a forcefield formed in a dome around it. It encapsulated the hostage and Danni, and the fire circle, and then Percy and Sabine. Salah was on the outside of it - as were the rapidly approaching other members of the team. [i]Including Paul[/i]. Whose spear Percy still had. [i]Damn it[/i]. [color=ed1c24]"Where the hell is Dorian?"[/color] Percy then muttered, noticing that he didn't see his boyfriend or the siren. A creature of legend - a stone golem. As a young Jewish boy, he always felt a little bit emotional when he heard about golems. Seeing one in person was something entirely different. For a moment, he was stunned speechless - and then the golem swung, knocking Salah back at least half a dozen feet or more, their head colliding with the ground. The lights in the room began to dim. Salah, in an attempt to heal themselves and regain some strength, had started to absorb it - scooping it up with their hands somehow and popping it into their mouth. With each bite, the room was a little darker, a little colder - the light was dim now. Arsène started to siphon energy from the golem - it helped that it was a construct made of (emotional) energy. Percy's form flickered as he reappeared behind Arsène, and he swung at the back of his head with Paul's spear. Unfortunately, Arsène ducked down, causing Percy's blow to miss. "I think that belongs to me!" Paul snapped, rushing Percy and trying to grab his spear back, only for Percy's form to flicker and reappear next to Sabine. Emily, meanwhile, had shut her eyes. She couldn't see where Zelda was, but she could feel her mind. Her telepathic specialty was in giving people slow-mo goggles, but she could do other things. She slid into Zelda's mind with ease, whispering - [i]You're a worthless failure. No one even wants you around[/i]. [hider=Ongoing Effects]Xènia Papadopoulos - she is a siren, her voice will drive you to madness, seducing you with what you want most [list][*]Sabine Bassard - Not impacted [*]Zelda Flynn - Not impacted [*]Dorian Gray - Not impacted [*]Danni Kingston - Not impacted [*]Percy Novikov - Not impacted [*]Arsène Lane - Not impacted [*]Emily Colter - Not impacted [*]Paul Feigenbaum - Not impacted [*]Salah Qadir - Feeling adoration and longing, but not blinded [/list][/hider]