[center][color=CCCC22][h3]Jub the Peculiar[/h3][/color][/center] Jub had been replaying the scene of Brutrumukk's demise over and over again in his head when the wild magic starting playing up, and his body instinctively tensed as he sensed that familiar electrical feeling in the atmosphere. In his shocked and grief-addled mind, he was fully prepared for something to happen that would decimate him and his remaining companions. After all, Brutrumukk had been the strongest of them, and he had been taken out so easily. However, instead of some terrible catastrophe, some strange music started playing as something came out of the lake where Brutrumukk's body had previously been. It didn't look like him, but something in Jub could tell it was what remained of his departed friend. His essence, spirit, soul... whatever you wanted to call it, Jub had never been particularly spiritual, but he got the idea. It placed itself out on the grass and all Jub could do was kind of stare it. Through the numbness and confusion in his mind, Jub could feel the smallest spark of hope. Then, the area was overtaken by a bright light, causing the goblin to wince. He wasn't sure what was going to happen when he opened his eyes again, but he had this nagging suspicion that it was going to be something weird. The Feywild seemed incapable of being normal for more than two seconds, after all. Sure enough, when the light cleared and Jub opened his eyes again, there was a naked forest gnome lying where Brutrumukk's whatever had been. Jub stood up as he had a creeping suspicion of what had just happened, but he wasn't about to do anything until said suspicion was confirmed. Then the gnome woke up and started cursing at the goblin gods and Jub knew he was right: this was Brutrumukk, reborn but still the same guy he had been a few minutes ago. Jub let out a small sigh of relief, followed by a louder sigh of frustration as he removed his wizard cloak. [color=CCCC22]"This place really is going to be the death of me,"[/color] he muttered under his breath before he approached the transformed barbarian. He handed him his cloak. [color=CCCC22]"You might want to put this on for now. Don't want you catching some kind of, I don't know, weird fairy cold or something."[/color]