Fyr felt a big stone rolling off his heart when his exlanation of how things happened apparently was accepted. Fighting against all of those simutalenously ? Would definitely not have been easy to say the very least! He wasn't so sure though about whether challening the thug's traning scheme had been such a good idea because now they had an open invitation to make him their new training supervisor. Dealing with these thugs for a longer term was not exactly the prospect Fyr had been looking out for. Aside from that though, this Oasis and its town actually started to look better in his eyes than before. Dal and Ashe made a quite good job at entertaining people and he could see and hear coins being tossed towards them. Maybe the greatest pirate of all times was the greatest entertainer of all times instead, but didn't want to admit it ? Fyr made a quick mental note about using this as a means to tease the man when needed, then opted to choose his drink: The first bottle looked as if containing either very fluid honey or fermented camel pee if that was a thing. The second bottle was a massive flask made out of intransparent glass, its contents unknown until poured. The third one had just been put onto the stove so to make its contents vent steam. Some sort of tea, perhaps ? [color=yellow]"I... take the second one. I like things that look as dark and abysmal as my heart!"[/color] he tried to make a joke to reinvigorate himself. And what kind of liquor came out of that black hole of a bottle! The barmaid had barely taken off the cork when the air already seemed to be replaced by something tormenting and flammable. What was this ? Pure alcohol mixed with fresh tar from the pits or had the inhabitants of this desert figured out something even more radical ? Yet now there he was, surrounded by thugs and with at least half of them grinning as they eagerly expected their newcomer to start drinking what probably was both harmless and a significant achievement in terms of destillery once one managed to get past its revolting stage. Fyr took the first gulp and it felt like lava flowing down his esophagus. The thugs were cheering while he thought that his vision had just became slightly blurry. And... wait... what was that ? As Fyr shook his head in a futile attempt to get rid of the drink's initial side effects on the unaccustomed, he inevitably got the rest of the counter into his view again. Was there really a naked woman standing around or had his mind started to fail ? It was at this point when Fyr actually felt thankful for the thugs being there for some of them shared his own, slightly bewildered expression in spite of having made a different choice of drink. So this was real! [color=yellow]"Hey you!"[/color] Fyr's voice was loud enough to be picked up easily and the horizontally arranged trunk that was his muscle-laden arm pointing at the woman should be seen easily enough as well. In theory, that was! [color=yellow]"Could you be a bit less daring, perhaps ?"[/color] That was not a question, more of a demand. Fyr blinked several times, but the slightly blurry vision didn't go away. Still he had the gut feeling that something else was going on. Had the thugs cheated him by making him drink a poison or the like ? [hider=Perception roll]Fetzen Request: [1d20] Roll: [12] Result: 12[/hider]