[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5r7OTIh.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 5,127 (+5) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 9[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (55/110) [b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b] Suoh [color=Aquamarine]Warp Charges:[/color] 1 [hider=warp locations] Virgin Victory teleport room Top of the Split mountain Outside the Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage Tostarena Town S.O.U. Building Seiran Clinic Underground Roadway (Seiran Rebel Base Outskirts) Below City of glass entrance (plate maintenance tunnel) Vandelay Campus (Alleyway) [/hider] [/center] As the last of the Other fell, they came face to face with the other team that had cleared the other half of the street, and there was a brief lull in the battle that Midna knew would only last so long. She wanted to use it to catch her breath, but unfortunately here Vibrava had other plans, namely its ash coated form started glowing brightly, and then that glowing form began to grow and warp. [color=Aquamarine]”Gah why are you, what are you, what?!”[/color] she demanded to know as she shielded her light sensitive eyes from whatever was going on, which thankfully meant that the final burst of light when the transformation ended didn’t straight up blind her for a few moments. Instead she lowered her hands down, and was greeted by the sight of her pokemon’s towering evolved form, the now truly dragon looking dragon type greeting her with a chirp of its name “Flygon!” [hider=vibrava evolution] The [url=https://i.imgur.com/jWGz8Gb.jpg]wolfos[/url] has now evolved into a [url=https://i.imgur.com/RcsrNEm.png]flygon[/url], crossed with a [url=https://i.imgur.com/GSf5tK1.png]saboquill[/url]. The disk on its head has fused with its chitin, giving it a dark metallic crest, one with the wider fronds of the Saboquill. Its green hues are much darker, and the reds on its wings and eye protectors have turned teal. Its arms are more akin to the Saboquill, with wide spiked shoulders (which sport circular teal twilight markings) and larger claws. Its thighs are similarly spiked, and its feet have gained small clawed toes. Its fan-like tail tip sports a metal band/shackle at its base, has been filled with a darker red and has gained several more segments, making it look like a 2d dragon fruit. Powers: Moves: Dragon Breath: breaths a blast of purple energy that will paralyze the target 30% of the time. Bug Buzz: Buzzes it's wings to create harmful sound waves and will increase vulnerability to non-physical moves 10% of the time. Dragon Claw: The user slashes the target with purple energy wreathed claws Earthquake: The user sets off an earthquake that strikes those around it. Technically a physical attack, as they need to touch the ground to perform it. Strengths: Hit Reflect: which causes 50% of all damage dealt to the host to be inflicted to the attacker as well, calculated prior to defense modifiers and immunities. This also applies to the vibrava’s owner if both are together. Damage delivered via retaliatory volleys of cactus needles/spikes. Ground/Dragon type resistances: Immune to electricity, half damage from poison and rock moves. Levitate: able to fly, and immune to ground type moves as a result. Physical attacker: Its physical (melee) attacks are 25% more effective than special (ranged) attacks Weakness Ground/Dragon type weaknesses: quad damage from ice, double from dragon and fairy Plant Property: increasing the host’s fire weakness to 4x [/hider] [color=Aquamarine]”Ok. Don’t really know what just happened there but … guess that can wait”[/color] she decided, as she and it both turned to face the Other squad. Inevitably, her failure came to bite them in the butt as the Psych-OSF team proved to not be the one they had been hoping for, and instead consisted of a group of unfamiliar faces. Unfamiliar faces that threw down accusations of treachery, and then prepared to throw down for real. [color=Aquamarine]”Alright, trial by fire it is then,”[/color] she declared as she squared up and prepared to fight, phrasing which her still very flammable new flygon did not exactly appreciate, even if she was entirely right. This was not going to exactly be the easiest of test runs of an entirely new body, particularly with Midna declaring that [color=Aquamarine]”No one dies in this, no one,”[/color] even as she quickly drew her spear with a crescent moon slash. [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4SYTwP76qM[/youtube][/center] She didn’t have time to charge it, so instead would be relying only on the faith powered shocks as she flipped it round so she’d be sticking em with the blunt end as she faced down the two psychics who happened to be standing opposite her as the two sides had squared off. The princess, with a polearm in her hands at a big green monster at her side, cut quite the imposing figure. They’d been through a great deal together after all, from the treacherous bowels of Al Mamoon to the peak of Split Mountain, through the perils of Nyakuza Metro to brave the concealed atrocities of Midgar. These poor fools were just another hurdle on her journey to saving the world; they just didn’t know it yet. Nevertheless, neither Sabrina nor Will showed any sign of fear, nor an overabundance of aggression for that matter. Out of every enemy present, they seemed the calmest, most in control, and most mature. Not to mention the most experienced in the art of beating Pokemon. “That looks like a Flygon. Shades of cactus, though…a regional variant from the eastern sands, perhaps,” Will remarked off-handedly. “A shame Fubuki isn’t here to OHKO it with Cryokinesis. Still, I think you’ll find you’ve met your match.” Turning his masked face (not to mention his prominent beak of a nose) to the side, his left eye gleamed with a radiant cross of psychic energy as he foresaw an attack, and he spread his patterned wings wide. “The future is my hands.” “And reality bends to our will.” When Sabrina raised her hands, Midna could see that each bore only four fingers, their nails more like white claws. Her long black hair, which turned to blonde as it parted in twain, began to flutter in a psychic wind. Two giant spoons slid out of her belt and into her grasp. Immediately she unleashed Psychic, a blistering wave of telekinetic force. Will produced two mines and flung them like frisbees into the wave to send them hurtling straight toward his foes. Then, without any delay, he moved a short distance to drop another mine in what seemed like a random spot. In response, Minda deployed the ever useful Roadblock in the way of the psychically propelled bomb attack, and though the barrier wielding exosuit was pushed back, it did give her time to respond to their twin mottos [color=Aquamarine]”Catchy, but I already beat a goddess of time itself, and I’m up against a breaker of reality. So let’s make this quick”[/color] she taunted, which was perhaps not the best use of the time/protection her striker had bought. Still, she had it up for a while longer, and so she commanded her new Flygon to [color=Aquamarine]”Buzz em”[/color] The pokemon moved to comply at once, leaping out through the shield, and then flapping its wings lighting fast and at just the right frequency to produce a wave of damaging sounds that lashed out in every direction. Midna had her striker’s shield to protect her, her foes, and their bombs, were not. Rather than try to stand firm and let the wave wash over her, Sabrina covered her ears and floated off the ground, allowing the Bug Buzz to push her farther away. It by no means fully mitigated the damage, but it helped. Will clapped his hands over his ears as well, and when the soundwave struck the mine he laid down, it went off prematurely–sending the metal trash can it had been laid behind sailing toward Midna, up and over her shield. It might end up being little more than a distraction, but it was something. As it flew, Sabrina recovered enough to use Reflect, bolstering herself and Will somewhat against nonphysical moves with a barrier of telekinetic force. While this had been occurring, the princess had been dancing, spear held to her chest, flying with power, as her own body became energized as well, surrounded by a faint purple aura of draconic might. Yet she had to end the steps before her second twirling rendition of the dragon dance thanks to the trash can, the princess deciding to simply push forwards rather than try and block it. [color=Aquamarine]”What a trashy attack”[/color] she called it With hastened steps she exited the barrier, dragon claws digging into the tarmac as she twirled her spear and facing its deadly tip away from her foes. Her flygon was much more likely to do so, and so as the princess charged Will, aiming to jab him in the gut with the butt of her spear, the dragon pokemon flapped its wings again, this time launching itself up into the air before bearing its claws and swooping towards Sabrina and attempting to disarm her rather than strike her directly. Just as Midna made her move to strike Will, twenty seconds had passed since the psionic foresaw an attack. Apropos of nothing, a hefty semisolid mass of psychic energy dropped on the princess like a lightning bolt, or an artillery shell, falling upon her and promptly exploding. Will sought to capitalize on the opportunity provided by his Future Sight, and produced another mine while Midna reeled. One he slid across the tarmac, hockey puck style, to come to a stop beneath her. Then he used Future Sight again, another portentous gleam from his eye foretelling the arrival of another psychic ambush. [color=Aquamarine]”What in the actual-”[/color] The princess, her spear presently embedded in the side of a car, was in the middle of picking herself up from where she had been exploded too when the puck came in. Unable to finish getting up or responding quickly enough to avoid it, she instead kept a hand on the ground and opened a portal, launching her wolfos out of it and towards Will. As the massive beast stormed towards him, looking set to simply trample him, the puck slid between its legs, and into the portal it had just come out of as Midna focused everything on holding it open for longer than normal. Will gritted his teeth as his attack failed and Midna sent a new one his way in the same stroke. Rather than try to dodge the rampaging wolf, however, he stood his ground. He’d seen what would come next–he just needed to trust in what he’d seen. When the minion struck him, a Guardian Vision of his squadmate Sabrina overwrote him in a defensive posture, and though he slid backward a touch from the blow the damage of the impact was negated. To Midna, being mentally inept, it looked as though he’d executed a perfect parry. As the wolfos continued on, a little confused, the Guardian Vision faded and left Will standing there, his breathing more intense. Still, he’d made it. His expression turned to a grin as he used SAS to tap into the power of his squadmate, Ninten. “Let the games begin.” He used DefenseUp to increase his physical resistance, and the floor was Midna’s for the next ten seconds until Future Sight came to pass. Unfortunately for her, she hadn’t worked out how that future sight attacking worked, and so rather than go on the defensive, she had leapt behind the car her spear was stabbed into, and was asking herself [color=Aquamarine]”Where in the goddess’s name did that attack come from?”[/color] while trying to find some hidden aerial attacker. There was, naturally, none to be found. While this had been occurring, Flygon advanced on Sabrina, prompting the psychic to put up her guard, creating a ring of spoons in front of her that together sustained a wall of force. Her opponents struck them, almost breaking her guard, and swatted a couple spoons aside that clattered across the street. This Pokemon wielded considerable physical strength; better to dodge instead. Sabrina dashed backward, trying to circle around the Flygon, and kept it busy with Kinesis, a flashy telekinetic display with the fallen spoons that would diminish its accuracy somewhat. [i]So she’s having it fight on its own,[/i] she thought. [i]A big mistake. Without a trainer, a pokemon is just an animal.[/i] Since a Flygon’s defense and special defense for even, it didn’t matter what kind of move she used. She tested out a Psycho Cut, sending a blade of mental energy the creature’s way. While entirely correct about the nature of its mind, she had an entirely incorrect assessment of what kind of animal the mind belonged to, as the flygon that had once been a wolfos followed up its charge not with a draconic charge but with a wolfish flank. Still, that only set to throw off her aim a little, and so her blade still clipped the beast’s hip, scoring a deep groove- and causing the spikes on that hip to burst from the flesh, turn in the air, and then spear directly towards her. Even as they did, the flygon swooped further to the side and sprayed her with its dragon breath. The monster’s Hit Reflect ability was a strong one, taking Sabrina by surprise as a portion of the damage dealt by her Psycho Cut got returned to her in the form of piercing spines. Unfortunately for the Flygon, the ability derived from Sabrina’s Alakazam fusion proved even more potent. When those spikes made contact, they were destroyed, negated by Sabrina’s Magic Guard. No indirect damage, from status effects to recoil, could touch her. And when the Flygon’s dragon breath washed over her a moment later, it burned painfully, but Reflect mitigated the damage enough for Sabrina to mount a resistance. She unleashed Confusion, hoping that the one-in-ten chance to confuse her target would accompany the jolt of psychic damage. Fortunately for the flygon, it did not roll that one in ten like its mistress had the previous day. Unfortunately for it, it was still confused in the normal way as to why its ranged attacks were not working as well as it had hoped, nor why its recoil effect was being negated, causing it to swoop up and out of both their effective ranges rather than rushing in. It hovered there for a moment, and then decided to return to its mistress, who could probably figure this out. As such it came swooping towards her just as Will’s predicted psychic attack came striking down on the princess who had wasted her 10 seconds, but was at least looking up and primed for evasion when it arrived. When the psychic payload finally descended like a bolt from the blue, Midna’s readiness allowed her to dodge it, but her troubles were far from over. Will hadn’t spent those ten seconds idle; he’d prepared another mine and slid to where his Precognition told him that Midna would evade to. The princess’s elation at thwarting Future Sight turned the next second to dismay when she witnessed the beeping device laid just in front of her, and the moment after that it went off in a fiery blast. “Hah!” Will gloated, taking the moment to pose rather than set up another gambit. “Just as I foretold!” Midna’s Flygon wouldn’t get a taste of super-effective fire damage fortunately, but Sabrina wasn’t about to let the fused Pokemon turn tail on her if she could help it. Reaching out with Psychic, she attempted to flip the car over and on top of the Flygon, giving it just a brief window in which to act. The car came crashing down ontop of the pokemon, or rather, where it had been, because a moment later it rose up out of a portal beneath its mistress. The princess herself was burned, though not quite as badly as she could have been, as a fragment of a golden mask on her rosary had devoured 25% of the flames. This still left her bare skin singed and scorched, but her masked senses and magical arms were unharmed, leaving her with the will and way to grab onto her steed’s head crest for support, and then urging it to take to the skies, out of reach of any more mines. [color=Aquamarine]”But not out of the way of those, what were they, delayed attacks?”[/color] she asked herself as she reached out with her shadow hand and pulled her spear out of the flipped car. Said vehicle was not going to be taking anyone anywhere anytime soon, as the flip had perfectly intercepted the flygon’s retaliation barrage, leaving it perforated with cactus spikes. [color=Aquamarine]”Ok, enough games. Lets see if you can see this”[/color] she asked, before sending her vibrava diving towards Will. As she did so, she did two things. One, she pushed electricity directly into the metal crest on its head, preparing it to deliver an electrified headbutt. The second thing she did was summon Skywave at just the right moment for the striker to unleash its combination healing and blinding wave in such a way that it hit both her and her target. When his foe flew up Will took the chance to use Future Sight again, foretelling an imminent attack, but after that things took a turn for the worse. His Precognition showed himself unable to escape Midna's coordinated attack, instead taking both the lightning-infused headbutt and some sort of energy wave from an unknown assailant l. "Wha-?" He gaped, frozen like a deer in headlights. Could this future be prevented? There wasn't any time! "What do I-!?" Paralyzed by the concept of predetermination, Will received the full brunt of the minion's combined assault. Except that his own ability, Synchronize, activated to make Flygon blind as well. He fell back, stunned and sightless for a couple seconds. Sabrina watched the whole thing go down, sighing. Just like Will to massively overthink things and get trounced by an attack he could have avoided. The psyshocks she'd been firing at Midna in flight clearly weren't cutting it, so it was time to step it up. "Hey, eyes on me!" Unleashing her Psychic, she picked up a half-dozen objects and pieces of debris all around her and slung them toward her opponents in a punishing barrage. The princess barely noticed her steed’s blinding, hands tugging on its crest like handlebars to guide its flight, making it swoop round so she could see what the helpful called out attack was. Upon seeing the incoming volley, she turned her earlier time wasting into a boon, calling up the off cooldown [color=Aquamarine]”Roadblock!”[/color] again to block the barrage. That gave her the cover to take her eyes off of Sabrina, and glance down at Will to check on his condition, catching her spear in her healed arms as she did so, and preparing to give him some more volts if he looked to be getting up. While the exosuit's barrier mitigated the first wave. Sabrina wasn't done quite yet. Narrowing her eyes, she bent her spoons to either side, parting the objects she'd hurled into two groups that split to either side around Roadblock. Ever since that striker put in its first appearance, she'd been workshopping a way around it. The trash cans, bench, pieces of car, and fire hydrant would clash together in an attempt to crush either Midna or Roadblock between them. Though in a bad spot, Will grinned up at the princess defiantly. The attack he foresaw was a glorious one–it just needed a little more time. The mine rack on the underside of his arm dispensed a fresh explosive into his hand, a guarantee of mutual destruction if Midna tried to beat him while he was down. Instead of that, the princess spurred her flying steed forwards while Roadblock pivoted one way, and behind it she briefly summoned up the rather beaten form of her darknut. As the two guardians blocked the barrage from either side, she burst between them with a cry of [color=Aquamarine]”Coming through”[/color] and charged straight at Sabrina, preparing to use her (still reversed) spear as a lance. Sabrina stood her ground, tapping into SAS. "Please assist me, commander." Once she activated Sasha's Marksmanship, she spared a brief moment to aim and then took a surprise psychic headshot at the incoming princess. It lacked the stopping power of a bullet, but it would be a severe blow to her mental health. Meanwhile Will ran off, using the SAS to co-opt Ninten's PSI so he could start buffing himself with DefenseUp, OffenseUp, and Quick up as fast as possible. The princess responded by doing a barrel roll atop her steed, avoiding the shot but fouling her own aim as she swung round and upside down in the entirely unpracticed maneuver, leaving it effortless to dodge. The pair blasted past the psychic, before half turning in the air and hitting the tarmac, 4 sets of dragon claws digging into it as Midna urged her minion to copy her own ground gripping technique. As they slowed Midna opened portals to blast sand towards Sabrina, and then had her minion leap forwards and slam into the ground again nearby, causing a shockwave to pulse through it as her flygon created a localized earthquake that she, being atop it, was immune too. After avoiding the careening train wreck of a trainer-pokemon duo, Sabrina fixed her mind’s eye upon them, firing one Marksmanship blast after another. They might not do that much damage by themselves if they didn’t hit a weak point, but they were easy to land and added up quickly. Midna tried to cut the psychic fusillade short with flurries of sand that threw off Sabrina’s accuracy. Thanks to the sandstorm, she couldn’t see what the Flygon was up to until it was too late. The street’s surface cracked and ruptured with tectonic energy, dealing a jarring blow to the psionic’s legs and knocking her down. Her ability might be incredible, after all, but it wasn’t Levitate. If Midna or her pet meant to capitalize on that hit, though, they were disappointed. Now that twenty seconds had passed, the universe rained on their parade as the attack foreseen by Future Sight came to pass, battering them with what felt like a giant, psychic water balloon from above. “Up you get!” Will called out as he ran up beside Sabrina. He held out his hand, and when she took it, he lifted her to his feet. “You’ve stalled us long enough,” Sabrina said flatly. She reached up and tugged the cord at her collar, causing her hood to flip over her head. In the pitch blackness that obscured her face, bright orange triangles formed a pokeball symbol. Will responded in kind, his pattern mimicking his theatrical face mask. This was Brain Drive, a state of heightened mental acuity that pushed their users’ bodies and psychic abilities to their limits. “No more playing around.” The two posed together for a split second longer, Will activating Future Sight as he did so for a little extra menace. Then the two advanced forward together. Sabrina released a flurry of Psycho Cuts to carve toward her enemies from a distance, while Will used Stored Power. On its own the move was piddly, but with the power it derived from all his stat buffs, it fell upon Midna and her Flygon like a miniature warhead of pink psychic energy. In response, a wounded Midna checked her watch before the sand swirled around both her and her steed, and then as it cleared they were gone. The conspicuous absence of their opponent as the fallout of their attacks dissipated put both psionics on edge immediately. Stored Power was strong, but not that strong, and Psycho Cut should’ve left ample evidence behind even if all of them hit. “She…absconded?” Will exclaimed, incredulous and a little indignant. Sabrina kept her eyes peeled as the scoured the immediate area, but there was no sign of their opponent. “Or she’s lying in wait. It’s possible she knows about Brain Drive. What do you see?” “Nothing. I can’t see far enough ahead to to know where this leads,” Will replied irritably. “What a scummy tactic. What about you?” Shaking, her head, Sabrina raced to find a solution as the seconds ticked down. “It’s too dark. They could be hiding anywhere. I’m trying to think of a counter…” “Of course, that’s it!” Will snapped his fingers. “Didn’t that newbie Kotone have a shadow power?” Sabrina’s eyes widened, and without delay she activated SAS to co-opt the Umbrakinesis of Kotone Aguilar. Will followed suit. Neither had really tested their new recruit’s power before setting out today, but they understood that it could be used to control light levels, and it was worth a shot. Before their will, the shadows around them began to evaporate like morning dew, replaced with mere dimness. As the area of effect expanded, Will received a vision. In his mind’s eye, he saw the shape of his foe spring from the darkness, like a wild animal flushed from its hiding spot. That shape lunged his way, only to be enveloped by multiple explosions and be blown to smithereens. “I see it!” he crowed. “Victory is ours!” He began deploying mine after mine, juggling them. “Sabrina, Psychic, right there!” “On it!” Trusting her teammate completely, Sabrina used her power to launch Will’s mines in the indicated direction. Sure enough, Midna had seemingly arisen from the shadows to attack, and the next instant the volley of mines struck her and went off in a resounding symphony of destruction, scattering her ashes to the winds. Relief flooded through Sabrina as Brain Drive ran out and her hood fell back, but she couldn’t take her eyes off her opponent’s remains. Was that truly ash? If anything, it looked more like… [color=Aquamarine]”Sand-”[/color] came a call from above as Skywave dissipated, and dozens of portals to the twilight realm opened. Portals just like the ones she’d blasted Sabrina like, and used to eat several of the mines that had come her way. But if Sabrina had thought what had been fired had been a sandstorm, she had been sorely mistaken, for what came raging out of those portals was a true [color=Aquamarine]”Storm!”[/color] Sand rained down, singing a siren’s song as it engulfed the pair on the ground, a song that was joined in duet caused by the flapping of a flygon’s wings when it burst from a portal, caught its trainer, and then dove into the storm. From the outside it seemed that sandstorm transformed into a thunderstorm, as lightning flashed through the grains as the masked princess unleashed the charge of her spear upon her foes. Try as he might to shield himself from the onslaught with both his arms and his wings, Will could only take so much punishment. Buffeted by sand and jolted by electricity, he couldn’t focus enough to use his Precognition, and any attempt to set up some mines around him would result in them blowing up in his face. When Midna capped the sandstorm off with a golden blast from her spear, it blew through the chaos to hit Will dead on. A high-pitched shattering sound rang out, the same as when a bulb popped out of an Other, and Will fell to his knees. With his mental health depleted, his body vulnerable to a knockout blow. “Im…possible…” When the electric sandstorm subsided, it revealed Sabrina much less worse for wear. After all, Magic Guard could negate the indirect damage caused by ambient weather, including sandstorms. But she was in a bad spot. She realized the state her partner was in immediately, and knew she couldn’t afford to let the opposition perform a Brain Crush. Using Ninten’s PSI through SAS would allow her to heal him, but how could she do that with Midna and her beast still on the field? There was only one option. She fired off a handful of suppressive lasers at her foes with her borrowed Marksmanship, then targeted Midna with Hypnosis. [color=Aquamarine]”Let’s finish thi…s…”[/color] the prince’s triumphant cry slipped away from her as she slumped on her steed’s back, dropping her spent spear and causing it to glance back at her in confusion. It chirped, and tried to rouse her via nuzzling to little avail, and so instead wrapped its tail around her to prevent her dozing form from slipping off entirely. Then it briefly took stock of the situation, and decided that if Sabrina could actually be hurt, as she clearly had (even if it was not nearly as bad as Will), then it presumably had been doing something wrong last time. So it did the only thing it knew how to do, and charged her, claws at the ready. Sabrina had anticipated this. The only question was whether or not she could deal with it. As the Flygon approached, she used her telekinesis to rip up loose pieces of the street and sidewalk next to her, then clumped them together in a large mass. “RrrrrrrrrAH!” She hurled it at the monster, then used Psychic to let loose a terrific blast of force. It spread across a wide area, and when it struck the boulder, it exploded in a shotgun-like blast of asphalt and concrete. She put everything she had into this–her best chance to succeed. In response the pokemon pivoted slightly and then flapped its vibrating wings once with enough force to kill all its momentum, and in doing so sent a shockwave of insectile sound blasting forwards into the incoming debris. Bug and psychic type force collide, and by type advantage, the bug won out. The asphalt shotgun was stopped dead in its tracks, while the waveform of the bug buzz blasted clean through the psychic power and slammed into the Psychic herself. Having spent all her energy on that last ditch effort, the ear splitting sound and physical wave were enough to drain her willpower as well, causing her to collapse to the ground. The last one standing, the Vibrava let out a cry of victory, one that finally woke a gumbling Minda from her unnatural sleep, the princess going [color=Aquamarine]”Huh, what, is it over?”[/color] before shaking her head, checking that neither of the pair she had been fighting where dead/dying, and then once that was confirmed pivoting to see if anyone else needed help.