[center][color=#ff8c00][h2]Cadmon Demet[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][@Crimson Paladin][@HereComesTheSnow] [hr] [color=#ff8c00]"I don't [i]need[/i] a step back,"[/color] Cadmon snapped irritably, holding the paper out to István to peruse. [color=#ff8c00]"That dotard has been a thorn in my side since [i]before I was even born,[/i] and evidently [i]that[/i] isn't even enough to content him!"[/color] As the paper was taken, uncaring that Roger was still playing witness to it all, Cadmon seized the mug that had been pushed towards him, draining it from the moment he put his lips to it rather than waste any time arguing with his retainer over it. And before any other party still in the room had a chance to speak up, he continued on in his own outrage: [color=#ff8c00]"Accusing [i]me[/i] of [i]betraying[/i] him, failing to fulfill obligations that don't even exist? By what right does he send me any letter like that? Father made it clear to him every time that we [i]aren't[/i] beholden to him in any way, no matter what his demented mind may think, yet now he's threatening to [i]invade my fief[/i] for my supposed [i]insolence?[/i] I shudder to think how far up his diseased colon I'll have to reach before I can get my hands on his goblinoid little face and tear his head from his shoulders."[/color] With a contemptuous flick of his wrist he tossed the rest of the package of letters Roger had delivered him to one corner of his desk, drawing over parchment, pen, and ink rapidly to start drafting a response. [color=#ff8c00]"I'm going to make it clear to Feldger, once and for all, that if he sets foot on my lands, I don't care that he's a duke, I wouldn't care if he was the king's own [i]cousin,[/i] he'll be left trying to scoop his intenstines back into place before a week is out. Faster, even, if he's seen fit to try and correspond with Duke Hraesleg about me as well. Threatening me is bad enough, but if he's chosen to [i]embarrass[/i] me as well, I'll make sure his grandson gets an early inheritance."[/color] He looked back up suddenly, stony grey eyes fixated on the Griffin Knight with more life and energy than the latter had likely seen out of Cadmon in the entire time they'd known each other. [color=#ff8c00]"I'm larger than our merchant. Can Shortclaw carry the both of us, Falkner? I may have business to attend to, rapidly."[/color]