[h1][b][i][color=CC99FF][center]Dorian Gray[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1064032443553828874/CQrs.gif[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=CC99FF][b]Location[/b][/color]: Training Room A [color=CC99FF][b]Skills[/b][/color]: Possession Combat [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1064032443860004934/Screenshot_20210223-112042_Instagram-1-1.jpg]First Day Fit[/url][/center] [hr][hr] Sabine seemed to double down on Gilem defense. Not exactly what Dorian had in mind but it also wasn't a bad idea, adding an extra layer to overcome made it so the enemies had to expend more energy just to reach the target. Good. He only hoped the other two would fight Emily the way he'd left her open to attack. Of Course that couldn't happen, that'd be too easy. Instead he watched through siren eyes as glowing blue rocks began to form near Percy before finally forming into a massive Golem. The stone creature instantly went to bat for Salah and all Dorian could do is smack himself in the face as he wondered why everyone was focusing on [i]the one person he'd just told Arsène to attack[/i]. His aggravation would be his downfall however, as while back in the Astral turf he was keeping Xènia at bay, here in the material realm he'd just distracted himself long enough to lose grip on her powers. Dorian could [i]see[/i] the fog of enchantment lifting from Arsène. His eyes cleared up and were now filled with determination. That was when he realized he was still being held by what he considered to be the biggest threat. He'd felt this feeling before, when he hugged Andy a few days back, but it was different somehow. One minute he was standing there about to call for backup, the next he was in the Astral Realm. His steps felt weak as he stumbled across floating and searching for what to do. That Arsehole stole his energy, and he needed it back. He'd be damned if he was the first one out of the fight. He strained his eyes, but he could see the movements, watching as his energy was transferred from Xènia to Paul, giving him a second wind. That's what he needed to do, take it back and then some. Dorian took a deep breath, phasing out of Xènia as he went barreling towards Arsène. He made contact, and passed right through. Fuck. He did not want to be stuck both exhausted and in the Astral Realm, he needed to get help and Sabine was his ticket out of here. Dorian concentrated, focusing on the task at hand as he heard his boyfriend calling out for him. [i][color=CC99FF]"I'm coming Achilles, today they will learn how the most dangerous thing is to love."[/color][/i] he whispered to himself just before snatching control over Arsène's body. Instantly he could tell it was different. He didn't know if it was the exhaustion or if this mutants powers were that complex, but he felt a bit lost and overwhelmed inside his new host. He reached for Paul, trying to grab him to take back the energy he was gifted but the powers wouldn't budge. [Color=CC99FF]"Watch it t'ere, Perce! Almost got me wit' t'at swing. Play keep away wit' t'e damned spear, Paul's a flatscan and relies on it. Beanie t'is merde 'ere 'as t'e ability to siphon energy and transfer it. We gotta time t'is perfectly got it? You make 'im wanna take it back from one of 'is folks and 'ave 'im give it to me. I'll jump out right when's 'es ready so give t'e signal. I need all t'e juice I can get."[/color] There was no sense in hiding where he was, he needed to communicate his plan and more importantly he needed to advise them against the others. Hopefully this way they could gain an upper hand. It was a Hail Mary, but if they could get it down to just Paul they could easily overwhelm him, he knew nothing about Emily but she hadn't seemed to do anything all fight so perhaps she was a flatscan as well. [Hider=Held Roll] When Sabine gives the all clear Dorian will attempt to leave Arsène body and become physical to have the energy given to him. Skill Call: Possession Combat[/hider]