[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zQXUPoA.png[/img] [sub][@Psyker Landshark][/sub][/center] [b]"A rare thing though, to choose when to die. The tragedies of playwrights exist to remind us that our lives aren't ours to shape."[/b] As a preference, however? Yes, it would be good to have accomplished something. Serenity would have gone a step further, and desired to accomplish something that only she could have. Humans don't have much sway though, not when spirits and immortals possessed knowledge and power to dwarf armies of men. Her finger tapped a slow tempo on her belt. The limitations of time and mortal flesh, of the aging body and the wandering mind. [b]"Might I remind you, Sir Renar, that I am but a Knight?"[/b] Serenity eyed Elias, placing a hand on her hip. [b]"Someone like you, I figured, would rather play matchmaker for a more profitable pairing like...Elias and Knight-Captain Fanilly Danbalion. They'd be even closer in age."[/b] She flashed a smile. All in good fun. [b]"And in height."[/b]