[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zQXUPoA.png[/img] [sub][@Psyker Landshark][/sub][/center] Serenity gave a sympathetic look towards Elias. Fatherly temperaments were a common burden for children of noble houses, made more awkward when one was stuck inbetween, caught in the crossfire of others' battles. At 15, the youth was likely less ignorant than Renar believed, but they both put on masks still. It wasn't her job to pry though. Nor her place to remind Renar of the myriad of methods in which a blue-blood could get back at a bastard. For all she knew, he may be [i]excited[/i] at the prospect, of having justification for striking back at the house that disowned him. [b]"The Danbalions are lesser nobility, yes, but the Arcedeens..."[/b] Serenity shrugged. [b]"If Elias here wished to bed an Arcedeen lady, I would recommend earning martial fame enough to become a titled knight, at least."[/b] No need to say that her family was equally open to those who weren't knights, so long as they were exemplars of strength and skill. [b]"Though that brings up the question. How experienced are you?"[/b]