[@PaulHaynek] [color=fff79a]"What the hell!?"[/color], Kerry exclaimed as everything around the workshop started rumbling. She quickly walked out of the tent, fearing the Varjans were having another siege on the temple. [color=fff79a]Yo, what's happening!? Are the Varjans...attacking.....again?[/color] The hornet's statement trailed off as she took in the scene before her. It was like the siege never happened. Fires were put out, parts of the temple were restored, homes were repaired and even the measly stone gates were good as new. In the time Eula and Kerry were having their conversation, the state Terauchi Temple was in before versus now......the difference was night and day. Complete with tables serving tea and baked sweets. A second passed before Kerry realized what all of this was: [i]A tea party.[/i] And the one responsible for all of this, while also currently laying it into Sorae big time, was... [color=fff79a]"Alice???"[/color], Kerry whispered in stunned disbelief as she watched the mad hatter give her speech. Part of her thought this was a different person, but from the magical aura the hornet was sensing, this was the very same woman! Glancing off to the side to see another woman eating a plate of tarts, a second of sensing her aura confirmed that [b]that[/b] was Carroll! Both the mad hatter and cursed sword were different yet the same! What the hell happened!? As the mushroom woman strode off toward the hot springs, Kerry shook off her shock and walked toward a table full of treats. [color=fff79a]What's that phrase you humans say? 'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth?'"[/color], she spoke aloud for Sorae and the other villagers to hear as she drank her tea. It was delicious. [color=fff79a]"If I were you, I'd shut up and eat my cake where I can get it. Appreciation and gratefulness go a long way, you know."[/color] Not waiting for a response, Kerry finished her tea and grabbed a tart before following Alice toward the hot springs.