[hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210410/985e47d4ec88a378945c6988410fbb10.png[/img] [img]https://2img.net/h/camphalfbloodrpgfb.weebly.com/uploads/2/2/0/5/22059926/6038230_orig.gif[/img] [I][@Morose][@KazAlkemi][@BlueSky44][@Trainerblue192][@Kirah][@kittyluna45][@DragonicQueen] [/I][/center] [hr][hr] [u][i][b]San Fransico, Taxi Cab:[/b][/i][/u] As the cab crossed over the Golden Gate Bridge Persephone smiled at Stella and nodded towards her gently ruffling her hair. "Anytime Giants are quiet nasty to deal with after all." Persephone said it was the only time when gods and their children could actually interact and help against unlike the other rule where they can't interfere really in mortal affairs. Persphone started to think a little bit about Niah's description the only thing that did come to mind was Valhalla though she didn't know where it actually was. "A great hall, that sounds like Valhalla actually." Persephone told Niah. It was a little while longer until they were at the closest location that they could find and drop them off which was the Sierra Trailhead. "Here you go, enjoy your hike." They said as Persephone started to get out and quickly paid for the group's fare. "Shall we get going?" Persephone asked the three of them and smiled. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=DeepSkyBlue]Kiera Donovan[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.tenor.com/k3IxZKvlNnIAAAAC/claryfray-shadowhunter.gif[/img] [i]Location: Atlantis Skills: Hydrokinsis.[/i][/center] [hr][hr] "Of course i'll make arrangements for you two to make your trip back to Camp Half-Blood as soon as possible in the morning." Poseidon said giving his two daughters a smile as he leaned in and started to eat the food that the servants had provided the two of them. Kiera though she didn't feel like eating at all and quietly played with her food while looking back at her half-sister. She still missed Leda just seeing her dead and wished that she could have saved her from dying. Poseidon looked at his daughter and could understand the feeling of loosing a loved one and wished that there was a way for him to help her but knew that it wouldn't really help. He turned towards Sera and gave her a slight smile. "Tell me about yourself." He said to Sera hoping to get to know his daughter better. [hr][hr] [center][color=7FFFD4][h1]Madalyne Crane[/h1][/color] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/c0f265cd6c663157fb22c8a91d5df3c0/tenor.gif?itemid=15761463[/img] [I]Location: Labyrinth Skills: Mystiokinsis, sword fighting[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Madalyne gave Mary a slight smile she really hoped that it was true, however she knew that she was just going to be slowing them all down and they still had a pack of monsters right behind them. However she didn't say anything as she looked over her shoulder the sounds of the monsters were getting louder and louder now. She turned around and drew out her sword again as the first monster came out and started to attack her. Madalyne managed to take the monster down as it burst into dust, she was fending them off as best she could while Andy, Damon and Mary made it out to safety. She was attacked again this time she was knocked down, her sword was knocked out of her hand and fell over the ledge and into the abyss below them. [color=7FFFD4]"Keep going!"[/color] She ordered them when she was hit again, she used her own magic and sent a fireball at the monster which didn't phase it, and swung at her knocking Mads over the edge. She made one more shield to prevent Mary or Andy from coming back to help her as the monster approached her and grabbed her by the neck. They would hear a sickening cracking sound as the monster snapped Madalyne's neck and he threw her dead body over the ledge Mary and Andy would see her body burst into dust shortly after. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=yellow]Kristin Reynolds[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/NP5pywzS451g4/giphy.gif[/img] [i]Location: Las Vegas, Lotus Hotel & Casino Skills: N/A[/i][/center] [hr][hr] "I'll go after them." Alexios said to the remaining group and quickly followed shortly behind Janelle and Demi to make sure that they didn't get lost in the chaos that was the Casino. As Cassian continued to play his music, the music in the casino started to get louder which eventually drowned out Cassian's tune making it ineffective now. However the chaos that Cassian had caused all the floor workers had crushed their trays of cookies. But they had snapped out of Cassian's music and went to grab more of those Lotus cookies, and went back about their business by handing more to the customers. The other guests in the hotel weren't even phased by the chaos that was going on around them most likely due to all the lotus cookies that they had consumed over the years. The waitress that Nancy was tumbling with managed to overpower Nancy and was now on top of her. The woman's hands quickly started to wrap around Nancy's neck as she tried to choke the young demigod out. "Welcome back home little one, we certainly did miss you." The woman said giving Nancy an evil grin as the grip started to get tighter around her neck. Kristin quickly ran over to the dropped tray, she was tempted to pick up the cookies that were on the floor and eat them. But for now she was able to resist the urge to eat them, she quickly ran over and brought the tray down on the woman's head. The grip around Nancy's neck lessened as the woman turned around to face Kristin only to be smacked again harder this time managing to knock the waitress out easily. [color=yellow]"Are you okay?"[/color] Kristin asked as she reached down and offered a hand for Nancy. There was a rather nasty bruise around Nancy's neck and her voice sounded hoarse if she spoke but she would be fine Joanie landed on the unconsious woman and started to roast the woman alive. Over where Zeke, Janelle and Demi were Alexios noticed Demi had fallen to the ground and quickly picked him up and gently set him down on a nearby chair and gently shook him awake and snapped his hand as a cup of water appeared in Alexios' hand Demi would wake up again. "Are you okay?" Alexios asked him. Sunshine the cat would rub against Zeke's leg letting out a loud meow to get his attention while looking up at Janelle.