While Aura didn't seem to harbor any ill will towards Flicker specifically, the fire genasi could tell she wasn't entirely happy either. Whether she was mulling over their conversation from earlier or was bothered by something else entirely, they had no idea and they didn't think right now was the best time to address it. Maybe once they were on the road or even once they reached Cascade's village. However, they did resolve that they would at least try to talk to her at some point. Perhaps over a tasty meal of some kind. That last thought was like a light going off inside Flicker's mind as their introspective gloom seemed to almost immediately melt away, giving way to various plans of what kind of things they could cook for their companions. It was at that point Aura seemed to acquire the group a cart and asked if they were ready to leave, to which Flicker quickly raised a hand. [color=f7941d]"Ah, one thing,"[/color] they said. [color=f7941d]"It's just occurred to me that I haven't had time to try out the new cooking utensils I bought. If nobody minds, I would like to go get us some fresh ingredients so I could possibly make us something nice along the road."[/color] They're already starting to take a couple of steps away from the group even as they're speaking, not seeming to register Rala's words and question... or perhaps, are actively ignoring any mention of their injured comrade.