[h2][color=bfb5f1][center]Robert Linden[/center][/color][/h2] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/78/d9/ae/78d9ae61ace4db40e120e1a368748735.jpg[/img][/center] Robert frowned at Flynn as he asked if he was about to attack them. [color=bfb5f1]"Nope, not gonna attack you. i'm trying very much to keep this station fully intact and working and there seems to be a few people around today that are doing their damnest to prevent that."[/color] Suddenly, the alarm started blaring on the computer screen as the faint sound of rushing water quickly grew louder [color=bfb5f1]"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL NOW?!"[/color] He yelled, quickly tapping at the keyboard to order all of the warning systems to report in with any errors. As Flynn closed the door and water rushed past, his heart dropped [color=bfb5f1]"That explosion, it must have ruptured one of the coolant tanks or hydroponics or-"[/color] That was weird, all of the systems that had anything to do with water seemed to be coming back as A-OK, no errors, no ruptures, no nothing... But failsafe flooding alarms were still going off. [color=bfb5f1]"Dammit, the bloody internal damage sensors must have been-"[/color] but it seemed that he wasn't allowed to finish a thought today as Ed accused him of waiting for them to have their back turned before stabbing it. [color=bfb5f1]"Alright, let me make something very clear!"[/color] He growled. Before scrunching up his face, his clothes absorbing into himself before the X-Men suit was deabsorbed around himself. [color=bfb5f1]"Robert Stephen Patrick Linden, Codename Upgrade, Xavier Institute class of 2007. I made this place for 1 reason and 1 reason alone. I want Magneto off my damn planet and i don't want to kill him. Giving him his own station where he can bugger off to space and leave everyone on Earth alone seemed like the best way to do it. Trust me when i say, i want to be here as just little as you do. But we all want him gone. So let's give him the means to bugger off peacefully."[/color] He continued tapping away on the computer, trying to get the drainage systems from fire suppresion working. He then heard Mary mention about a mutants powers going haywire and it took a few seconds for Robert to figure out [color=bfb5f1]"Cortez..."[/color] moments before she asked him about Cortez. [color=bfb5f1]"Him and his sister showed up here a short while ago. Bloody snake-oil salesman that one is. Gives your powers a quick boost, but the come down... Seen a few guys act like it's Cocaine. Seemed a little too big into the Magneto Kool-Aid so i didn't think too much of him. Was hoping he'd go with Magneto when he left Earth."[/color] He continued tapping, before finally a ding and a distant clunk sound. [color=bfb5f1]"Right, got the air-tight emergency doors closed, so the water won't be spreading anywhere else, but that doesn't help us get out of here."[/color] He groaned. [color=bfb5f1]"I'll try and get the pumps working, but they were never really designed to handle this much water."[/color]