Dandelion sensed the drama unfold with terror and alarm. The stranger seemed to provoke the others in some way (as even more former teammates arrived-- too many to be happenstance) and a gun went off, presumably at him. Kali must have hit her target, as Dandelion otherwise would have sensed the bullet ripping through their insulation. Regardless, it seemed that Dandelion had been made; if not by the stranger that had become threatened by their presence, but Kali called them out by name. A sour feeling, irritation perhaps, ran through Dandelion's system. It seemed that their ability to elude detection, enough to fool city vermin and S.T.A.R. Labs (Dandelion amused themselves with the comparison) but not a superhuman. Dandelion thirsted for a sample. Maybe there was something to be gained from this pointless bloodshed. From the nearest ceiling ventilation grate, a thick red ooze, too similar to blood, poured out in viscous curtains. Where it met the floor, it suddenly assumed gelatin-like rigidity, and quickly rose up in a distinct shape. A human shape poured itself into an invisible mold, the torrent of liquid Dandelion ceasing as the last drop struck formed the top of their head. Clothes came first, as beige fibers erupted from the body like thick hair, and wove themselves into unassuming garments. A warm-toned skin then wrapped itself around the red mannequin, and other features like eyes, a mouth, hair, freckles, filled themselves in, erupting seamlessly from the featureless body. This whole process took about ten seconds. The body stood stock-still, lifeless and dull-eyed, for another half-moment, but they gave a subtle twitch, and predatory intelligence flooded into green-and-yellow eyes. Dandelion was home. "Hello, ex-Renegades." There was a hard edge in their voice that none of them had heard before. Their expression was blank, but there was a cold, almost absent look in their eyes. Kali and the shapeshifting newcomer were their primary focus, but elsewhere in the tower, more of Dandelion detected another intruder. This one had all the makings of a true burglar, sneaking in through a rear door surreptitiously. Their uninvited guest might have eluded Dandelion entirely after slipping through the locked door by unknown means, had they not sensed the change in air pressure from the escaping air conditioning. Dandelion tried to get a look at this stranger, but found that they had camouflaged themselves in some way. They had nearly no presence at all, undetectable on every wavelength of light accessible to Dandelion, silent, and odorless. There were things that could not be masked, however, like the shifting in the air as their mass moved from room to room, or the weight of their footsteps on the floors. Dandelion did their best to track the elusive intruder, though it was difficult, as Dandelion's biological surveillance was far from all-encompassing. Like radar, they were able to track the stranger's movements, but little else. Much of this was communicated to the offshoot of Dandelion standing in front of the Renegades at the front door. Complex pheromone signals were pumped out of nearby vents for the senses of their human facade to detect and decipher. A crude but effective adaptation; instant telepathy, just add atmosphere! The human-shaped Dandelion said, "There's someone else sneaking into the building as we speak." Their formerly lilting affectation was replaced by a crisp monotone. Pointing their inscrutable alien gaze at Link, they asked, "A friend of yours?"