[center][h2][b]General Kvarr[/b][/h2][/center] [hr] Unlike in the mountains proper, the early morning air was not nearly as chilly as it would have been deeper in the Ascendancy. The insulating feathers of the Tekeri were perfectly suited to their homeland to the point that they could be comfortable even on the coldest of nights. If anything, the warm, humid air near to the swamps was a minor nuisance to the small group of Tekeri soldiers gathered before General Kvarr. Castigator Nellara was at the lead of the group, as he had requested her presence personally. “I have sent word to my forces in Ertiseda to have a barge prepared for you to return to Arcaeda. They should be ready for you by the time you arrive. I will also take care of contacting Lenkik to have another take temporary charge of your responsibilities as Castigator there. This business is likely going to take quite some time, and I think we can both agree that it is far more important than your day-to-day keeping the peace. You should try to get moving as soon as you can. I’ve been seeing no shortage of activity from the Humans outside their ship. I would suggest you go let them know that you are ready to leave when they are. The Seeker will also be accompanying you as well, so be sure to collect her and any of the..others she has decided to bring with her.” The General gestured for the Castigator to step aside with him so they could speak more privately. “You will be bringing them to the Archmagister herself. Depending on the time of day you arrive, it may be more appropriate for you to take a night’s rest before meeting with her, but that meeting should be your first order of business, besides. I have sent a message ahead, so they should be ready for you when you arrive. With it, I have also given my own recommendations for your role in all of this, Castigator. Should she agree with me, which, if I know her, she shall, then she will also have words for you, personally.”