[h1][center][color=mediumaquamarine]Sara 'Rabbit' Lin[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] Sara contented herself with a merry little hum as the group approached the target base on foot. She much preferred traveling by air, but she'd be an easy target- and would give away their position as well. Not that one could consider their little assault team "stealthy", given their assembled AUGs. The scouts must've been lax about security however, as the team was able to get the jump on the enemy MA's with little difficulty. Redknight and R-18 handled the MA's at the front handily, and as HIGH IMPACT began to rush towards the base, Sara was quick to follow, kicking the Chevalier off the ground with blue-white blasts of thrust. [color=mediumaquamarine]"This is where the fun begins."[/color] Sara chuckled as the Chevalier screamed into the air. Whizzing past their lead elements, Sara settled into her seat as her AUG began to line up targets for her. She sighted in on the nearest gun emplacement, a heavy cannon battery, likely meant to defend against the type of attack they were performing. A hit from one of those guns would put a real damper on their assault, and while Sara doubted their tracking capabilities, all it took was one lucky shot. A red diamond appeared onto the battery, indicating that she had target lock, and Sara thumbed her missiles and a pair of heavy Halberd missiles streaked from her wing racks and into the target. For good measure, Sara followed it up with a short burst from her autocannon, the thundering 'BRRRT' crackling through the sky before impacting their target. [color=mediumaquamarine]"Good effect on the first gun. Redknight, R-18, following you in. Coming around for another pass."[/color] Sara called over the comms. Pulling back on her controls, the Chevalier flew up and away from the target base, reestablishing itself as Sara took her AUG into a lazy orbit around the team's AUGs.