[hr]ATTN: [@PaulHaynek][hr]Upon being told that Boss Kyouko would be pleased if they helped out around the place, Umami and Ripcord were off like excitable rockets; looking of anyone that needed any kind of help. For a while, they would only find people that needed help with basic chores - sweeping, laundry, and the like - or held transporting items via cart and by hand from place-to-place within the place they called home. Despite apprehensions, the sisters looked Human enough to bypass consistent judgment - the residents were apprehensive of them, but could be swayed by their friendly charm and upbeat personalities. ...never to be wise to the dog and pony show they played to be fed. In truth, they didn't care about anyone or their problems. They worked for Boss Kyouko, and she cared - that would be enough, surely. They only cared about themselves. They needed to eat. They needed to drink. They needed to sleep. They needed a place to live. That required a job, and that's all this was. No different than before in Varjo. They worked to live. They lived to work. The cycle was vicious, but they were veterans of surviving it... However, odd jobs were nothing special, nothing worth promoting, and Boss Kyouko would surely never praise them for such insignificant tasks. They needed to do something... big. By time night was falling, and everyone was retiring to their beds, the only person around was a man at the foot of a bonfire, warming his hands. "[color=008000]Need a hand getting inside, mister,[/color]" Ripcord asks, approaching with her disarming air of kindness. [quote=Peasant Man]"Yokai, you must do something! It's Ayane's sake brewery in Imahama. That brewery is the pride of Shizuyama, but soon there will be none left. The Varjans are taking it by force."[/quote] Varjans. Their old taskmasters. So soon, it's come to this... "[color=E97451]Rippy! If we save the sake house, Boss Kyouko will be able to have sake with every meal! Breakfast! Lunch! Dinner![/color]" Umami says, eyes sparkling, "[color=E97451]Even dessert! Sake Sno Cones![/color]" Ripcord gasped, eyes wide as she imagined it: [i]"[color=008000]Boss Kyouko... we saved the sake house... and... well, ma'am, I'd like to present you with the fruit of our labors...[/color]" Ripcord says, done up in her Sunday Maid's Best, and holding a silver platter. "[color=008000]From the Ayane Sake House, I, Ripcord Claremont, present to you: Sake Sno Cones! Umu~![/color]" Ripcord unveiled the trio of cups, shaved ice with a soaking of sake, and fruit juice that stained it red, like the ribbons shared by her and Umami's ribbons. "[color=aqua]My, oh, my... how precious, Lady Ripcord...[/color]" Boss Kyouko cooed, as she admired the platter with a thoughtful finger, "[color=aqua]But, there's three here. Surely, that's too many for me...[/color]" Umami would splay her fingers apart before her, pressing her pointers and middle fingers together in a diamond, before wagging her hips like she had a tail. "[color=E97451]Maybe, we could share them with you, Boss Kyouko...[/color]" she offered, innocently. "[color=E97451]If you like that, umu~![/color]" "[color=aqua]That sounds lovely, Lady Umami,[/color]" Boss Kyouko smiled, a dazzling force of personality and praise. "[color=aqua]Let's eat, then... together. Umu~[/color]"[/i] Ripcord and Umami swooned, as they lean against each other in reality, "[color=008000]Boss[/color] [color=E97451]Kyouko[/color]..." "[color=008000]For praise![/color]" Ripcord cheered. "[color=E97451]For praise![/color]" Umami agreed. "[color=008000]RIPCORD![/color]" Ripcord threw her right fist forward. "[color=E97451]UMAMI![/color]" Umami drove her right fist forward. "[color=008000]CLAREMONT[/color] [color=E97451]CLEAN-UP[/color]!" The sisters fist-bumped with right jabs, and created an actual impact SFX and small explosion of air pressure. "[color=008000]LET'S [/color] [color=E97451]GO[/color]!" The Claremont Sisters charged off in the indicated direction of the Ayane Brewery. [center][i]"[color=aqua]MISSION START! UMU~![/color]" Boss Kyouko cheered, waving twin paper fans like a MILFy Cheerleader.[/i][/center]