[I]The Kingdom of Valerith. Today it stands as a proud beacon of law, religion, academics, and everything that is good and just! Everything is uniform and as they should be. Many years ago this Kingdom and its beloved people were rocked and shaken to its core by a horrific revelation. While historians have recorded this revelation, none would dare to speak of it again. This revelation led to the Ruling Family banning all magic from the School of Enchantment. Over time, the fear did not subside. Instead it grew and grew, until eventually, the Ruling Family banned all forms of entertainment. They reasoned that entertainment was used as a conduit for Enchantment magic by Bards, so it was best to ban the tool for such foul magic as well. Anything that was of the creative arts that did not provide substance to the people of Valerith were banned. So, the people grew up without it. Our story focuses on those who spit at this ban, and proudly show their colors while making mischief in their merry-making. Their first true adventure is about to begin, and it may lead to more revelations for the people of Valerith. [/i]