[center][h3][b][color=ff48a5]Mary Sue Sullivan[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://image.film.at/images/cfs_landscape_616w_347h/7106616/46-149344534.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=ff48a5]Location:[/color][/b] The Gym- Training Room C [b][color=ff48a5]Skills: [/color][/b] Friendship [hr][hr][/center] Mary Sue had a frustrated yell escape her lips as she was held down by a wrist lock, the exact kind she'd [i]learned[/i] about. This was a mistake fully on her own; making the assumption that a powerless girl was a helpless one. She struggled futilely against the hold, stuck where she was. There was still an option for her, especially given that a shield has reappeared around the hostage. She was stuck in place, so she could use that to her advantage, and keep somebody stick with her. Rather than trying to be stronger than the person who got the jump on her, she'd keep the powerhouse stuck with her. The air shimmer briefly, and a chain around Mary Sue's and Michaela's legs both appeared, hopefully giving her another construct to break, rather than being able to make progress towards her actual goal. She gave a short tug of her leg from her grappled position in an attempt to knock the girl on her feet, but was unsuccessful. It was at this point she processed what Michaela had said to her, calling her the spawn of some... Thanos? She didn't know what that meant, but she couldn't let her mind wonder too much. "[color=ff48a5]Andy! Please! You [i]need[/i] to turn your attention here.[/color]" She was desperate for something, anything about their situation to change. [hider=Held roll] If Michaela attempts to attack Mary Sue, Mary Sue wants to try to force Theda in the way instead. [/hider]