[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xfL8uT6.png[/img] [h1][color=D2691E]Farim[/color][/h1] [color=D2691E][b]Location:[/b]The edge of Lover's Lake[/color] [color=D2691E][b]Time:[/b] Evening[/color] [color=D2691E][b]Mentions:[/b] Munir [@Infinite Cosmos], Anastasia [@princess], Roman [@ReusableSword], and Mina [@Tae][/color] [color=D2691E][b]Appearance:[/b] [url=https://imgur.com/ajmuBif]Casual Attire[/url][/color] [/center] [color=D2691E][center]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/center][/color] [center] Farim had chosen to travel to his next destination on foot. It seemed to rather fit the occasion, and the brisk walk around the city limits would do him some good. His clothes were unassuming, and the way he carried himself suggested he was none other than some strange foreigner with a nice necklace dangling from his chest. He would let his hair flow, a rare sight that was becoming less so with the past few days, and his jewelry was left at home save for the aforementioned necklace. That was one thing he would never part with, no matter how silly it sounded. In his hands was a peculiar object, a bit of pottery that he had made some weeks ago. It was by no means a craftsmans piece, but it was rather well put together for someone with little experience working with clay. There was a fine pattern of lines etched along the center that some would immediately assume are the cascading waves along the ocean shore. Those who had a more keen eye, however, would note that it was in fact the rolling dunes of his country that Farim had drawn. This was what Farim would offer as a gift for the ceremony. The jar itself was about the size of a soccer ball, and was filled most of the way with a preserves made from berries grown back home in Alidasht. Farim made his way into the campgrounds and began to hear the familiar voice of Roman. He stood rather tall amongst the people as he instructed on how the ceremonies worked. Farim stood in the back of the small crowd, a soft smile planted on his face as he took in the sites around him. He noted the words and advice of Roman while appreciating the dedication it took to prepare such ceremonies. Farim quite liked being submersed in other cultures, he found a great joy in learning the ways of those outside his usual circles, which is the very reason this getaway seemed so much more natural to him than a stuffy party filled with literal and fake masks. But all the same, Farim did not judge those who preferred one over the other - for there were many walks of life and many shoes for which to travel them. After the instructions and words were said, Farim made his way to the bench of offerings, and took a long look at the many items placed. Finding a decent enough spot, he placed his jelly jar onto the bench and took a moment to look around. [color=D2691E]"Forgive my insistence, but I wish to say a few words to someone."[/color] He spoke to those immediately next to him. He spotted the direction he surmised to be where the capital of Alidasht would likely be, and made sure to face that way as he knelt onto the ground. His hands reached out above his head before his upper body slowly climbed up back to a kneeling position. His hands would come together at the palms, his eyes closed, as just barely above a whisper he began to sing in his native tongue. [hider=Hymn of a Fallen Friend] My friend, my dearest friend May your journey to the dunes Finally be at an end It was you who guided me Who showed me the truth And how to set myself free You are gone to another place Though you may have no voice Everyday I still see your face My best wishes to you, I send May the Gods watch over you My friend, my dearest friend [/hider] A well of emotions built within Farim, his face growing somber. As he finished his brief tune he stood up, and with an even softer voice that brimmed with melancholy, he spoke. [color=D2691E]"Thank you.[/color] He walked off to let the others provide their own form of offerings to their own form of gods. Farim was here to witness such proceedings, but he felt it proper to provide some of his own. He approached Roman for a quick interaction before the man would finish his own preparations. [color=D2691E]"I hope I did not disrespect the way you do things here. I heard you mention offering words and....well my heart felt it necessary to pay a good friend some needed words."[/color] His hand instinctively clutched onto the necklade he wore around his neck, and the same vulnerable sounding tones in Farim's voice seemed to imply something tragic, but it soon faded as Farim did his best to perk up around present company. [color=D2691E]"You have a lovely setup here, I can appreciate all the work you had put in to such a gathering, and just wanted to pay a simple greeting without taking too much of your time."[/color] His voice still carried a hint of depression to it, but the mostly charismatic and positive demeanor he so eagerly sported around most folks had begun to shine once more. He did not want to take up too much of Roman's time, and once the man would say his piece, Farim would leave Roman to his affairs. Scanning the crowd, Farim would finally begin to put names he knew to faces he recognized, starting with his cousin Munir. [color=D2691E][i]Ah, jahim (Ah, hell). I hope he did not catch too much of me singing. If I hear one more time about my flat voice I will-[/i][/color] Farim stopped himself. He figured Munir was just as much of a guest as he was here, and would face whatever shenanigans awaited him once they met. For now he continued looking, he spotted the one he believed to be called Mina also assisting Roman with the rituals, and made sure to imprint her appearance to memory in the brief moments he could spy her. There was one person he was certain he would see here, yet her face had not been spotted as of yet. [color=D2691E][i]I wonder where Annie might be? This seems like just the kind of place for her to enjoy herself.[/i][/color] [/center]