[i][h3][center][b][color=fff200]Zabar Ruins - Southern Region[/color][/b][/center][/h3][/i] [@Rezod92] Garrick's skillful dispatching of the puppeteered pirates left them out cold, they'll be found in not too long by the other Radiant Suns, but for now he was hot on the trail and was not intent on letting it grow cold. Following the path he'd find himself encountering yet another challenge. The ruins in this section were rather desolate, 'ruined', one could say. Across a large floor, or lack thereof, were just a handful of places to jump, crumbling even, meaning without care they could collapse too. The bottom was barely visible, with water below based on the way the light rippled below. Knowing his quarry, they likely simply flew over these, though someone such as him may need another way. Looking around, there were some crumbling walls, with suggestion of a hallway adjacent to this room, the way the pillars were lined up in front of him too if he could have them fall a certain way could make the way across easier, or... He could of course just try and make the jumps without doing anything drastic. The hallway may lead someplace else, but given the direction, the thief was also headed deeper into the ruin, and so doing that would achieve the same. [hr] [i][h3][center][b][color=fff200]Underhull, Mayleaf Orphanage[/color][/b][/center][/h3][/i] [@Letter Bee][@Renose] Ms Mayleaf expressed some surprise to Kazue's arms changing into... Well, arms. She began to examine the wounds present on her, the gunshot wound, which she'd have to check thoroughly, the arrow wound, back wounds, and then the usual one would expect from a scrap. Bruises and scratches. Ken's offer was turned down though, [color=a187be]"that will be quite alright, you just get some rest yourself"[/color], she said. After a few minutes she'd have Kazue sitting at a bed as she began to clean her wounds and treat them. A medical pack opened up right beside her as she carefully removed the bullet after getting some of the bleeding under control. [color=a187be]"Not a single bit of noise, even with all these wounds... You're a remarkably strong girl aren't you?"[/color] she tried to give comfort, but considering the way her eyes looked at those scars, she was getting some inkling of the kind of life she had. Still that wasn't important right now. [color=a187be]"One of you, prepare some hot water and a towel too, need to make sure these wounds are washed"[/color], she requested to the children, amidst the sounds of the kids talking amongst themselves and gawking at Kazue, amazed that her arms just... Transformed.... In not long they'd come back with just what she asked for. After a little while, the young and unusual elf would be cleaned up and covered in bandages. [color=a187be]"Now I just ask as a doctor that you get some rest. If you're hungry it's almost time for lunch, you're free to join us... Oh, you too of course"[/color], she added, looking over to Ken. With that, she was off, likely to prepare lunch as she had mentioned. For now, the two can relax just for a little while.