[center][h3]Rorenville - Village Square[/h3][/center] [@ChozoHunter][@Jerkchicken][@rawkhawk64] The group gathered back up in the village square by the well, in order to gather their information together. Figure out what was happening. Information from Nareck and Ghent, suggested that their target was Toltan, yet such a man who was crippled could not possibly do the kind of killings that resulted in what Rik and Afira had found. A few things did line up for them, that some sort of beast might be behind this, it seemed to always be at night, and that it seemed to target this village with animosity uncharacteristically, as there were other deaths before, but never found, or too old to follow up on. Everyone here had some experience fighting a beast, of course, particularly Ghent, who was a Hylander. [color=fff79a]"Hmmm..."[/color], Lady Afira crossed her arms in thought... She felt uneasy, despite the supposed quarry being something they could handle. Her gut told her they needed more people... No, just more bodies might not be right. Her mind flashed back to the way some of the bodies were left. Those were rather large jaw marks, almost a whole body's... On the other hand... If the came back empty handed from a supposedly 'simple' job such as this... They'd never be taken seriously. This was their first outing, so their success was paramount. Plus, she doubted they'd send help off of just a hunch, or even for a good reason unless it lined some nobleman's pockets. [color=fff79a]"We'll stake this out. All of you make whatever preparations you need, we'll be going up to the lumbermill once we're ready"[/color], she began. [color=fff79a]"I'll make a request to the village chief too for something flammable... It is most likely our quarry is fearful of light and heat to some degree. We'll hide out in the lumbermill, illuminate it when it comes in, and then kill it before it can do a thing"[/color], that was her plan, but if anyone could build off of it, now was the time to suggest something, before they all got moving.