Copied from tabletop interest check. Hheeyyy. I see you have a bunch of players. However, I usually end up being note taker and with that inventory management. Most of the time I play high cha characters so that I can manage the funds with the best discounts or haggling possible. Just wondering how y'all are going to run the game. Furthermore, if you need it would like someone to bounce some concepts off of. I wouldn't mind helping out. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to play or cogm. New This kingdom sounds very Arthurian. No magic of x, y, and z. I mean in Arthurian lore it was a full magic ban. I imagine there being an enchantment branch of inquisitors who hunt those people down. Same could be said for the neceomncers. The Mortem Finalem(Final Death) or Absoluta Mors(Absolute Death). Emblem could be a sun with a circle around it. The circle indicates the cycle of life. Undead break that cycle. The sun usually weakens undead. Furthermore it has a cycle. Surdis Auribus (Deaf ears), Invisibilis Oculus (Unseen eye), Lingua Scissa(Snipped Tongue). These would have the generic entertainment icon of the three things with a line through them. Each face would be in the foreground depending on the branch. Surdis Auribus would have the face of someone stabbing themselves in the ears, Invisibilis Oculus would have the same but for the eyes, and Lingua Scissa would have the same except for the tongue being snipped. These are just basic concepts and can be applied to other organizations that the kingdom has to hire or gets them forced upon them. Religious sects akin to the Vatican. Zealous, overbearing, they know best, and their faith is absolute kind of people.