[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cRMH2zR.png[/img][/center] As Nyxia sat atop one of the picnic tables, her feet resting upon the seat and her arms wrapped protectively around The Omega Obliterator, she found that she was still trying to wrap her mind around the chain of events that led her here. That first unexpected invitation from Rei, her recent first outing with the club, her… “interaction” with Earthshaker, and, of course, the “fight” that had allowed this strange girl currently holding court to win the “privilege” of cooking them all dinner. It was all so incredibly surreal, she reflected, so utterly nonsensical. Indeed, with how bizarre everything preceding it had been, The Neon Tempest realized that it should have been obvious that the duel between Roche and this Oros girl would devolve into what she could only describe as an aggressive make-out session. She had been so eager for a real fight, for the chance to potentially watch the club’s rule keeper be humiliated, just as the athletic girl had humiliated Nyxia herself, and while that humiliation had certainly occurred, The Neon Tempest had found it more disgusting than gratifying. As someone who had never experienced romantic attraction in her life, Nyxia had found the display deeply unsettling. Not only was she unused to witnessing such… [i]passionate[/i] expressions of affection, but they caused her to reevaluate Oros’s flirtatious advances towards [i]her[/i]. Yes, it was now increasingly obvious that this girl would try to force herself on [i]anyone[/i]. She didn’t really care about Nyxia as a person at all, just as yet another potential romantic partner, like she was just a character from one of those creepy dating sims. Of course, there was always the possibility that Oros’s behavior was simply a byproduct of her magic, much as how Nyxia herself received profound feelings of excitement and euphoria from slaughtering Miseria, but even if that was the case, it still left a bad taste in her mouth. [color=Aquamarine][i]The only person who ever [b]really[/b] loved me was Kaito…[/i][/color] she thought bitterly, even as she hugged her enormous energy cannon tighter. Oros, or rather, Suki’s words went unacknowledged, The Neon Tempest making a move towards neither the drinks nor the snacks, but simply watching in silence as her hostess went into the kitchen, her sharp eyes noticing that Suki had actually picked the lock, as opposed to using a key. [color=Aquamarine][i]What the hell?[/i][/color] The girl was certainly a strange one, no doubt about that. Like many of the others present, Suki had reverted to her mundane form, but why she felt the need to show off its rather unappealing appearance, to say nothing about the fact that she lived in a glorified homeless shelter, was beyond Nyxia. After all, [i]she[/i] wasn’t about to let [i]any[/i] of these people see [i]her[/i] weak and pathetic true self, that was for [i]damn[/i] sure… With all this in mind, The Neon Tempest couldn’t help but wonder, [color=Aquamarine][i]Do I even [b]wanna[/b] know what the fuck she’s making in there?[/i][/color]