[hider=Nick] Name: Nicholas James Claude Bergman Age: 23 Gender: cis male Appearance: Dirty blonde, bright blue eyes, heart shaped face, caucasian, 5'9", 150lbs, medium build, active slim, three 3' long claw mark on right hip that's often mistaken for a tattoo [hider=vanityteen: Rupert Burton] [img]https://i.imgur.com/DdLbJtq.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Source: ??? DuckDuckGo image search] [img]https://i.imgur.com/901W4zK.jpg[/img] [/hider] Augmentation: N/A Personality: Relatively calm. Stays to himself and prefers to work alone (or that's what he'll tell you). Can come across as cranky, bitchy, or overbearing... particularly if angered. Does not work well with others. May come across as Bipolar. Defining Trait: Reliable Backstory: Lives paycheck to paycheck. Nick prefers to be affected the same as everybody else, regarding economic inflation and lack of stable work. Despite spouse making 6 figures a year. Has previously stayed with facilities and companies his spouse (A Louvre Museum on-the-field Archeologist, Monsieur Thierry Claude James de Villiers, turned Administrative Assistant) has ties to, but has since formed a desire to prove his own self-worth, despite spouse's slight disapproval. Skills: Nick is an on-the-field Archeologist and has been since [redacted]. Specializes in Ruin Exploration (off grid survival) that often requires self protection from [redacted]. While he can, Urban Exploration is only on the table if pay is good. He's well versed in MMA, weaponry, parkour and endurance training, therefore doubling as a bodyguard for any artifacts he collects. He has decent knowledge of vehicular mechanics and can stand in as an IT technician, but has limited knowledge in computer science. Able to speak French, but not fluent. Inventory: Utility Watch made from a Pequignet wrist watch: ROYALE SAPHIR PHANTOM. It holds 20 individual physical objects, but has byte size and physical size limitation. Meant for smaller usage items ex: guns, ammo, rations and temp storage for artifacts. It was his spouse's first Utility Watch, granted for field work from The Louvre Museum. It's considered archaic by today's storage standards. Has an engraved inscription, [i]Toujours[/i] on the inside of the strap. Any other gear is facility given. [/hider] [hider=Monsieur de Villiers] Name: Thierry Claude James de Villiers Age: 46 Gender: cis male Appearance: Short dark brown hair, suspicious brown eyes, 5'11", average active fit, 190lbs, clean-cut [hider=Actor: Matt Bommer] [img]https://i.imgur.com/nbnJhS4.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Former Model: Vinicius Piccoli] [img]https://i.imgur.com/mdFFkpL.jpg[/img] [/hider] Augmentation: N/A Personality: Overly cautious through years of experience. In his youth, he was foolhardy. His rash behavior is what caused him to fall and bust his left knee during a mission at The Temple of Karnak. Now he believes that patience really is a virtue and potentially life saving, but his temper still peaks depending on the situation. Despite having a temper, he's very empathetic and affectionate. His devotion and passionate nature has landed him a new marriage towards someone many dismiss for abrasively callous at first glance... Do midlife crisis relationships last? Thierry doesn't believe he's in the midst of one, despite talk. Defining Trait: Loyal Backstory: File preview loading... Thierry signed on as an on-the-field archeologist for The Louvre back during the [redacted] period. He is currently working as an administrative assistant. An undeniably needed link between the feild and the office. His loyalty to The Louvre over the years of his tenure has shown to be lucrative. Promotions currently available: [redacted] Has three biological adult children, botanist M. [redacted], docent M. [redacted], bibliothécaire Mlle [redacted] and ex-wife, off-field archeologist Mme [redacted]. Currently remarried. Information on current spouse: ...Loading... Agent Nicholas James Bergman is currently redirected to Nicholas James Claude Bergman [i]in de Villiers files only[/i]. All other instances of [i]James Claude[/i] are [redacted] for the time being. ...Access Error... Full de Villiers file access: denied. ...Access to file terminated. Please consult your superior to confirm account holder authenticity. Thank you. Skills: [redacted] Inventory: Access to whatever The Louvre currently has to offer. Former field agent turned office nerd perk. <3 [/hider] [hider=Aaron] Name: Aaron Harley Bergman Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Actor: River Phoenix] [img]https://i.imgur.com/rEwVCpW.jpg[/img] [/hider] Augmentation: Currently none, but thinking about Night Vision installed in both retina. Personality: Energetic and lively. Loves to have a good time. Defining Trait: Frenzied Backstory: Nick's little brother... and he's just as much of a pain in the ass once his mind is made up. So of course, he had to follow in Nick's footsteps at being an on-the-field archeologist, despite Nick's displeasure. Other than that, Aaron is Nick's polar opposite in almost every sense. He loves working with others and making new friends. Besides, what's an adventure with nobody to share it with? Don't be surprised if he strikes up a conversation with you. He could easily spend hours telling you all about his favorite Pokémon and other hobbies. Don't let his friendly demeanor full you though. He can pull his own in a fight. He [i]is[/i] Nick's little brother, after all. And if you do manage to fuck Aaron up in a fight... expect his dragon of an older brother to come looking for you. While Aaron has worked directly under Thierry for The Louvre in the past, he's currently living in the United States and working full time under The Smithsonian Institute. Living and working in France was fun, but once their uncle got sick, he decided to head home. He was frustrated when Nick flat out refused to go with him, but that didn't stop him from going to The Louvre for help at rescuing his brother. If anybody was going to beat the shit out of Nick, it damn well better be him... although he wouldn't mind if it was Thierry... Skills: 1/2 of Codename Andrew. He's well versed in computer programming and hardware. Not so much weaponry or MMA, but does know just enough to get by if need be. Most of his fighting skills are a direct result of once wanting to emulate his brother. As he's gotten older however, he's learned the value of good communication skills... particularly after working under Thierry's wing. He wishes Nick would do the same and while Nick has made significant progress at being more open and vulnerable with others over the years, he won't hold his breath. Codename Andrew: After years of working on the field with fellow hacker, Ramses, it was Aaron's idea for the two of them to join forces. Both are skilled in computer science and technological advancements, so it only made sense, despite Ramses working for another museum entirely. Inventory: Frankenstein Laptop. What was once brand new in the mid 1990s, the poor laptop has been pulled apart and updated multiple times. [/hider] [hider=Ramses] Name: Ramses Saamir Andrew Age: 37 Gender: cis male Appearance: [hider=Source: ??? DuckDuck go image search] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QKhZP3M.jpg[/img] [/hider] Augmentation: [redacted] ??? If you ask him, he'll tell you that he has none. Rumor has it that he actually has two of them. But maybe he started the rumors for shits and giggles... Personality: If Ramses wasn't an archeologist with a steady job, you'd easily think he was a college bro; a typical frat boy. Always up for a good party, he's woken up the next morning with a hangover, that even [i]he [/i]doesn't know how many times. He figures that since his day job is so emotionally and mentally demanding, that throwing back a few every now and then is just fine. Some of the guys he's worked with in the past, see him more as a high functioning drunk, than anything else. Which... as long as he doesn't find himself [i]fired[/i], is just fine with him. Because not having a degree in the current almost-collapsed Egyptian economy? After yet another war? Yeah, no thank you. Being a field operative for the Museum is better than being a government solider [i]any [/i]day. While it's true that he's always up for a good party, he's totally fine playing the quiet role as well. He's a true ambivert. Listening in on other people's feelings is a strong point of his. He's bold, but with a kind heart. It's this kindness that has lead him to being friends with Nick, despite issues the two had in the beginning. Once he realized that Nick just couldn't emotionally handle dealing with people, he made himself scarce, allowing Nick to feel comfortable reaching out to him in the end... Defining Trait: Reserved Backstory: Currently an on-the-field archeologist for The Egyptian Museum. Based in Cairo most of the time. It was sheer dumb luck when he first came across a rogue field archeologist, [i]Nicholas Bergman[/i], during a Temple of Karnak run. Damn kid had fallen 30 feet, but managed to grab some foundation roping. Despite helping him get to safety, Nick immediately hated his guts and he felt not much better of the, then, boy. A lot has changed since then, however, and considers the Bergman brothers to be quite the alliance. Thinking of the duo as an alliance might sound crazy to some of his coworkers. While others simply flat-out refuse to work with Nick in particular, Ramses is more than willing to do so. Remaining file is [redacted]. Skills: 1/2 of Codename Andrew. The Andrew part. The hacker name is a play on one of Aaron's favorite video game's character's name and Ramses' last name. Both the name and partnership was Aaron's idea and Ramses just went with it. Because why the hell not? The Egyptian Museum utilizes Ramses' computer skills as giving him a job title of Field Hacker. He can shoot a target down just as easy as hack your company's security software. Not only is he well versed in modern software programming, he's fluent in hieroglyphs. Inventory: Stolen technology from the field during runs. [/hider]