[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Sz1t1dr.png[/img] [hr][b][color=#00bf60]Location:[/color][/b] San Francisco - Sierra Trailhead [b][color=#00bf60]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[/center] [hr][hr] Stella went a bit quiet as Niah spoke, asking more questions about her sister. An older sister that she had lost, and whom should be with Stella's older sister's husband, but it seemed that she wasn't. She was in some other place... Valhalla. She swore she had heard that name before, but she wasn't sure where. Maybe in some of her dad's metal songs? Maybe in a random story she had heard else where? It wasn't Greek, that was for sure. She was glad that Niah was getting some answers it seemed, after having them for so long. Once the taxi parked at the trailhead, she gently escorted Arbor out and made sure that he was clipped into his leash. She didn't want him to run off and into some monsters, as it seemed that the mountain was doomed to be covered in them. She thanked the taxi driver and watched to make sure hew as paid by one of them before he drove off. [color=#00bf60]"I'm ready if everyone else is. If we need a moment I don't mind waiting until we're all ready."[/color]