[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/hPXx3i9m.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2]Scarlet Thorne[/h2][/center] Scarlet crossed her arms in front of her as the telekinetic pulse rushed through her. There was an audible impact as it did, and much of her surroundings crumpled from the force. The floor and the walls broke apart around her, but the girl endured. Her defenses were impeccable. And while this wasn't her real body - it seemed to have the same properties; or perhaps it was simply Scarlet's confidence in her resistance that allowed it to function in this place. A bit of steam rose from her forearms in the wake of the blast. [i][b]'Crap, what do I do? I can't seem to hit him at all.'[/b][/i] [i][color=purple][b]'Tsk tsk tsk. Dealing with an intangible foe like this is going to be tricky. I know a move, but it's complicated. Buy some time and I will show you how to perform the technique.'[/b][/color][/i] Just who was that voice? But Scarlet didn't have time to argue. In a flash she took up a different position, and then she released a large bout of dragonfire at Lucian. It was intensely destructive, in normal circumstances. But in this case it was just a holding move she made while listening to the voice. Still, the other side of the ship's interior exploded into light and plumes of smoke. Metals quickly melted into puddles under the influence of her breath.