You felt your carriage stopped. You damned sure it was still daytime, but when you looked around, the world was almost dark. Though your horse-drawn transportation was parked in a place that seemed and felt like a large catacomb, you remained calm. You have been briefed, that for the reason of 'national interest' the method of transportation would be rather 'peculiar'. A concierge and two soldiers ushered you toward the building, through a set of stairs and corridors. The place was almost empty, the security was minimal, but you knew two seemingly ordinary royal guards that accompanied you were more than capable of handling themselves--should you try to do anything stupid. And then you stopped again. In front of you now was an orc warrior, and she was even more imposing than any other guards you had seen so far. From the eye window of her helmet, her breath vapored away, and her fierce eyes indicated that she didn't like you at all. But all that she could say was naught but a few words. "Your Invitation, Please." You handed her the letter you had received a week ago, delivered by a royal envoy clad in ordinary mailman uniform. She received the document carefully and gestured for you to get in. You heard the door locked behind you, but you didn't care. The room was large, adorned with luxuries commonly found in a kingly estate, but the arrangement was deliberately modest, as if not trying to show off. Furniture with natural wooden colors, a large cupboard filled with a collection of books, and tables populated with assortments of refreshments. There were already a few people there. They wore no uniform, nor insignia, and their presentation was somewhat lacking, not much different from yours truly. Looking at the great desk in the north part of the room, you saw no king, but the orcish captain you saw earlier entered from another door. You waited, patiently. You didn't know exactly what this invitation was all about, but your guts told you you were going to be a part of something big. [center]******[/center] [h3]Welcome to the team![/h3] The job description was rather iffy, but here you are now. There is no turning back now. Lured by either a sense of duty, fame, or a handsome reward, King Fredricus, the monarch of the nation of Kindeance had you signed up to be his special agent. You know the gig, there is a war incoming and you will be a part of an effort to do something about it. The king has yet to unravel the purpose of your assignment, but some trustworthy sources said that it wouldn't be too far from traveling to the nation of Meche to see what's going on there. Kill the traitor. Or prevent war on your own terms. We will try to facilitate every decision your character makes. Like the previous game, every choice matters, and every action taken could alter the ending. So go wild, but just don't do it too far, please. The game will be focused on a story, so the number-crunching aspects common in a tabletop RPG will be minimal. We still utilize the RNG on a few occasions though. [h3]Some introduction to the lore[/h3] [hider=Nations] [img][/img] [hider=Kindeance] Ruled By King Fredricus. The nation has undergone several reformations in its governance system, shedding the old feudal system in favor of a more democratic and participative one. Kindeance has seen unprecedented growth over the years, making it an emerging regional power in terms of economy and development. But not everyone was happy with such rapid progress. Old clans and families who had their noble rights stripped off by the reform held a certain animosity toward the incumbent regime. That, and the consequences of the distribution of power in the name of democratization has left the monarchy in a tight spot over the years. Just a short four months ago Fredricus almost lost his life in an assassination attempt and had his son kidnapped by a certain group. One crisis led to another, the effort to retrieve the prince and subjugate the traitors had caused a massive uproar in the populace, and because of his unwillingness to publicly arrest the scheming nobles, it allowed the rest of them to shift the blame to the neighboring country, causing the demand to declare war to grow even bolder. [/hider] [hider=Kingdom of Mechedonia] Ruled by King Denon the Second, not much is known about Meche except it used to be the dominant power in the region. After losing the war with Kindeance a century ago, the nation experienced a gradual decline ever since, and the last blow was when it lost its territory to Savoy some thirty years ago. Known as a kingdom for warmongerers due to their prolonged border conflict with Kindeance, Meche used to be known as the nation of skilled smiths and metal shapers, but over a century, the arts have been lost completely along with their practitioners, not even leaving a single trace behind. [/hider] [/hider] [h3]Making a Character[/h3] Now for the neat part. The format would be pretty much the same as the previous game. You can have up to 4 active spells and up to two passives. Keep in mind that every character will have to wait for GM's evaluation before they can be accepted. [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Species: (What is your character’s race) Age: Gender: Appearance: (What do they look like, and what do they wear) Bio: (What is their backstory, and how were they contacted by the king) Passives: (What kind of passive talents do they have) Spells: (What kind of spells do they know, maximum of 4 spells) Equipment: (What kind of tools and weapons do they have on them) Other: (What other things should we know about your character) [/hider] [h3]A few more things[/h3] The RP has no specific rules. Just remember basic decency like you are not supposed to control other players' character without their permission and be nice to other players. Anything that is not mentioned here or any question regarding the RP is usually discussed in our discord. Joining is not mandatory, but you will miss out on information and other madness! This will be the second RP I hosted, so I apologize in advance should you find any misgivings in my rulings as the GM and technical mistakes as the playwright. Let's make a fun game!