[hider= Jazdia "Slyph" Crystalspark ] [hider=The Restaurant Owner][img]https://i.postimg.cc/LXF0Fsgh/pixai-1693113523249369532.png[/img][/hider] Name : Jazdia Crystalspark Species : Elf Gender : Female Age : 55 Height : 175 Jazdia is a tall elven woman with a pale complexion, blue eyes, and long, waist-length platinum blonde hair that she often let untied. Elves are all born beautiful and Jazdia was no exception. Her attractiveness is often described as an eternal winter barely touched by the sun's embrace. But that's just another way for the gentlemen to adore her face which seemed to always sport a perpetual frown-- Ok, now you can stop it! Former leader of a peacekeeping organization, Jazdia understands it would be in her best interest to omit such details from her MO. Not that she is a wanted criminal or anything; she ended her tenure on a relatively high note actually. The thing about working as law enforcement is you will have no shortage of old enemies who would persistently try to even the scales with you even after retirement, and Jazdia does not wish to be tangled with such... nuisances. So now, she is just Jazdia. A restaurateur by trade, and tea connoisseur. Yeah, just put that in her business card. [u][b]Traits and spells:[/b][/u] [b]-Blood Phobia (passive)[/b] Taking damage would result in lower combat efficiency. Jazdia will start sweating, having a shaky aim and blurred vision. At a certain threshold, her Ultravision cannot be activated. [b]-Curse of the crimson flame (passive)[/b] Grants limited mastery of fire magic, and moderate resistance to fire. Resting near any fire or under the sun would gradually regenerate her power and heal her wounds. [color=#453f3d]However, any healing magic cast on her would instead deal damage. [/color] [b]-Arrow Enchantment. [/b] Channels magic into her arrow. Can only use one type of arrow in a single turn. Has three flavors: A. Crystal Arrows. Magically-enchanted arrow with explosion spell contained inside. Can be programmed to either explode upon impact, delayed, or remote detonation. B. Crystal Arrows Non-explosive variants, but hot as hell it pierces through steel plates and mails like a hot knife through butter. Armor Piercing, nuff said. [b]-Counter[/b] Any close-range attack will be answered with heavy retribution. Figuratively speaking, sometimes this extended to the non-combat situation. Proceed with caution. [b]-Ultravision[/b] Channeling magic to enhance her vision, Jazdia can see through solid objects and magical manipulation such as illusion and darkness. Imposes varying degrees of strain on her body depending on the area covered and elapsed duration. Prolonged abuse of this skill might result in myopia and gradual blindness. [b]-Vengeance[/b] At this point, taking heavy damage would no longer weaken her. Now she is faster and deadlier and angrier. The third flavor of her enchanted arrows unlocked: C. Obsidian Arrows. Deals heavy damage over time for the next 4 turns. The bodies of the enemy killed by this arrow will burst out a swarm of black lepidopteran that attack nearby hostiles until either they or the caster dies, or the effect expires (3 turns). At the end of its fleeting lifespan, the butterflies will return to the caster and heal her wounds. Has 3 days of cooldown. [u][b]Equipment[/b][/u] [b]-Lurea[/b] A recurve black bow adorned with gold and silver linings on its limbs. Has an absurdly light draw weight of 44 pounds. Can never be separated from its owner no matter what. [b]-Maugrim[/b] A long knife with an ivory handle and elven runes inscribed on its blade. [b]-A quiver containing 25 arrows[/b] [b]-Medium-sized satchel bag [/b] A plain-looking bag that doesn't seem too out of fashion despite being designed with function in mind. [b]-Pocket watch[/b] A memento from her father. Well maintained and functioning properly. [b]-Bronze compass[/b] An antique compass pointing to the north(duh) has more buttons than the usual compass to activate its hidden features. [b]-Medikit[/b] Generic first aid kit that is in the name only. Upon closer inspection, it looked nothing like those "first aid kit" commonly sold in the market. Consult with Jazdia before use. [/hider]