[CENTER][h1][color=brown]Brutrumukk[/color][/h1][/CENTER] [color=CCCC22]"Alright, I think everyone needs to take a moment and calm the fuck down,"[/color] Jub called out to the group while placing a hand on Brutrumukk's shoulder. [color=brown]"That's easy fer you to say!"[/color] The [s]bugbear[/s] gnome exclaimed as he pulled his gaze away from his reflection and turned it towards Jub. [color=brown]"I've been turned into a fuckin' gnome!"[/color] [color=CCCC22]"Brut, It's not that bad."[/color] Jub began before pausing as he rightly realized that was the wrong thing to say. [color=brown]"Not that bad? [i]Not that bad?[/i]"[/color] Brutrumukk said. [color=brown]"I'm so fuckin' small! An' I feel so weak! An' I can't remember 'ow to sneak! Me swingin' arm won't swing as 'ard as it should! 'Ow the fuck do you think that this could be good?"[/color] [color=CCCC22]"There are far worse things you could have come back as... like a toad. Or a mushroom. Or a ant. Or a..."[/color] Jub said, pausing a moment to shake his head before continuing. [color=CCCC22]"Just take my word for it: this is not the worst outcome by far."[/color] [color=brown]"That don't mean I gotta like it!"[/color] Brutrumukk shot back. [color=brown]"An' I don't like it! I fuckin' 'ate it! This is awful! I'd do anything to be a bugbear again!"[/color] As those last words left his mouth, a look of realization crossed Brutrumukk's face. Slowly, he turned his head to look back across the lake. Back towards Bavlorna's cottage. [color=brown]"I'd do anything to be a bugbear again."[/color] Brutrumukk said with a determined tone of voice before looking over at [color=brown]"The 'ag. She wanted things done for 'er before she'd make a deal. What were they?"[/color].