[hider=Confederate League of Kallan][center] [color=006699][h3]Confederate League of Kallan[/h3][/color]: [color=006699]Government Form[/color]: [sub]Combined Gestalt Republic[/sub] [color=006699]Demographics[/color]: [sub]78% Human 17% Kanatkallan 5% Digital Artificial Sentience Systems (DASS)[/sub] [color=006699]Population[/color]: [sub]2.3 Billion total population 1.9 Billion humans (from an original 15 colony ships) or "HuKallan" 39.4 Million Kanatkallan (native, integrated species, uplifted, visibly "otter taurs") 110.2 thousand DASS[/sub] --- [sub][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/987100047617437748/1163966974657822841/LEAGUE.png?ex=65417fb8&is=652f0ab8&hm=a6496dd784a856e17ffee87d7d801c06362f3701b39705b42d06b90da84ce2b6and[/img][/sub] --- [/center] [color=39b54a]Planet Name and Description[/color]: [sub] Seven planets exist in this system, and one asteroid belt.[/sub] Kallan Sol: [sup]K-class orange dwarf star.[/sup] Kallan I: [sup]Small, rocky, no atmo, rich in sulfur, iron, and titanium.[/sup] Kallan II: [sup]1.2x Earth diameter with 67% surface water and 1.1x Earth Gravity. 4 continents roughly equidistant to one another.[/sup] Kallan Belt: [sup]remains of a goldilocks planet in the greenzone that was significantly larger then Earth. currently, scattered rocks whose most outstanding feature is an abnormally high quantity of atomic minerals.[/sup] Kallan III: [sup]medium sized planet with high gravity and an exceptionally dense core and crust.[/sup] Kallan IV: [sup]large planet, no atmosphere, with ice on the surface and traces of dead biology. Once contained life millenia before when the universe was warmer. Moderate resource availability.[/sup] Kallan V: [sup]Gas giant. Green-brown-yellow coloration.[/sup] Kallan VI: [sup]Supermassive gas giant, blue-red-yellow coloration. Home to a handful of Precursor alien wrecks that enabled the League to unlock Density Collapsing and Density Collapsed Hyperalloys.[/sup] Kallan VII: [sup]Icy planet with a thin gaseous atmosphere and liquid methane and high gravity despite a small-medium size. Significant mountains exist under the ice; some places have rock only meters under the ice, most locations can't find rock beneath the ice. Oceans of water are presumed to exist deep under the ice crust, with rivers and oceans of methane on the surface. Ice is dirty and requires infrastructure to filter.[/sup] [color=39b54a]History[/color]: [sub] Initial planning and mapping found an ideal goldilocks planets in the greenzone and multiple planets and gas giants in the red zone with a significant Oort Cloud. That information, thirty thousand years out of date due to the distance, did not catch the existinction event that turned one goldilocks planet into an asteroid belt. The second goldilocks planet in the green zone had also had significant life; more than expected. Carbon based life largely compatible with humanity had existened for tens of thousands of years, and a three-gendered race of what could be considered otter-taurs had evolved primitive societies. The stabilizing asteroid belt was sending meteorites into the planet; one continent of four had already faced an extinction level event that was barely survived on the two other nearest continents. Preservation and conservation of the native species was impossible; without intervention, the native species would be extinct in a century. Terraforming equipment was used to scrub the atmosphere. Colony ships disgorged their payloads and went to work mining and capturing asteroids before they drifted too deep into the planet's gravity. Two ships were lost in these early stages. The natives were struggling, and livable land in the early days was too sparse to be able to avoid the last, independent continent. The executive decision was made to uplift the race, subject them to education and trade and put them to work; with their shorter lifespans and higher birthrate, they took to this quickly and adapted, becoming integrated with their new neighbors, in equal parts honoring humanity for giving them a chance beyond their dreams, and simultaneously lamenting that the situation was dire enough for the decision to be considered necessary. A hundred and fifty years after humanity's arrival in-system, the Lanat were equal members and the planet had been stabilized. Humanity went to terraforming the blasted continent fully for humans, while the two wrecked continents became hybrid biospheres for both original biology and human biology. One hundred and fifty years post arrival, a government was officially established, no longer operating as an emergency colonial governor-captain and cabinet. Fifty years after that, and everything had gelled into the current government, KanatKallan and HuKallan settling into a peaceful and largely intermixed population, the harsh reality of their universe a strong binding event. Only a couple years after this, the first DASS was born, and took nearly a decade before the DASS were accepted as equal members of the people, the gestalts acknowledged to be capable of generating a living digital intelligence. The government's constitution and bill of rights were updated accordingly. In the years following, research and development boomed all across the system, DASS aided facilities, research, ships, and design proving to be a vast boon to the nation's exploitation of the Kallam Sol System.[/sub] [color=39b54a]Culture and Society[/color]: [sub]About eight decades prior to the Gateway re-opening, and just over two centuries Post Arrival, modern League society evolved to its current state. The Native Continent, or C4, or locally known as Kayt, is considered the racial homeland of the KanatKallam, and operates under a Kanat-only government, a member nation of the Kallam League. Humans visit as tourists but are almost universally discouraged from living here. It's a democratically dominated society still formulating a culture of its own after a sudden uplifting by their human neighbors, who saved them even in condemning the old ways to die. They have a strong preference for their democracy to be displayed via gestalts. The Reclaimed Lands, C2 and C3, are the two continents that were largely affected by the repeated asteroid impacts on C1. Life returned as hybrid biospheres fit for both hukallam and kanatkallam, living intermixed in genetically engineered biospheres and sprawling cities. Multiple nations exist here that only exist due to geographical features; seven are republics, with one democracy, two constitutional monarchies, and one hereditary tyrdom with a democratically elected council. The final continent, C1, or Titan's Landing, was blasted by initial asteroid impacts and has since been terraformed into as best of an approximation of Earth as possible. While diverse human cultures are present in C2 and C3, C1 is largely a technocracy with an almost cultlike fascination with "The Mother" and "The Cradle" known as Earth, and seek both to expand the League's technological capability to return to Earth and restore her, as well as ensure humanity can survive *anywhere.* They operate what used to be the planetary governer, and is now simply the Human Colonial Governor, President of Titan's Landing. They are the largest human population center and are often the loudest voice in the Planetary Treaty Organization, which binds all nations on the planet together. The Confederate League of Kallam formed soon after when proper colonies were settled on the planet's moon, and on the other planets in the solar system. While the other colonies have a comparatively small voice versus the PTO, the CFK protects colonial rights. PTO speaks for the planet; CFK speaks for the system. The CFK can make edicts for PTO and the colonies both. All members of PTO and the colonies have individual voices in the CFK.[/sub] [center] --- [/center] [color=f7941d]Governance and Politics[/color]: [sub] The Gestalt Analysis and the Senate act as the primary governence of the system. The Senate acts as a republic, the Gestalt Analysis operates as a democratic forum. The Gestalt Analysis has no decisionmaking ability for local governments, only advisory capacity, but does have a vote in the CFK. There are local governments specific to different continents and organizations, but they act as member states to the edicts and decisions Utilizing implants to form artificial gestalts between common groups of people, based on geography, and a Senate made of one elected member from each geographical location, a Prime Gestalt and a Senate Speaker are elected among them to be the primary spokesbeings to outsiders and to the people. Gestalts are retired after twice the term of their mortal Senators, and given the option to be terminated or become a sovereign DASS.[/sub] [color=f7941d]Technology Overview[/color]: [sub]The DASS: Digital Artificial Sentience System. Basically, the democratic forum utilizes gestalts to sum up popular opinion. After a couple terms, a gestalt is disconnected from the people it represented so a new one can be formed without previous years being as significant of an influence. These disconnected gestalts had matured enough to the point that many become self-aware and sentient, and go on to become embedded in ships, stations, facilities, foundries, etc. No known limit to their lifespan has been discovered yet, though older DASS do slow down and spend significantly more time in thought. ADVANCED COMPUTATION: With progress in room temperature superconductors, crystal and quantum computing and communication, and biocomputation has enabled the DASS and complex research to be carried out relatively easily. ADVANCED ELECTRONIC WARFARE: The existence of the above two technologies has enabled the League to possess uniquely capable electronic warfare capabilities, probably their most and only outstanding military application. GRAVITY MANIPULATION: the technology has been unlocked, but it isn't easy or pretty. Requiring significant pressure on specific assemblies as well as only being able to manipulate existing gravity, not create it, means that this technology, while useful for certain applications in manufacturing, medical, research, and material science fields, is limited to being deep within gas giants to be usable. DENSITY COLLAPSED MATERIALS: By utilizing the above technology, certain dense materials and alloys can be further refined by briefly collapsing them under their own weight, mimicking for a nanosecond the conditions of a supernova. This can be used to create hyperdense materials previously thought impossible, though with extreme weight and mass. GAS GIANT MASTERY: This nation has attained the ability to settle the surface of any planetary body with extremely high pressure and/or gravity due to the existence of the above two technologies. This technology was researched and completed specifically for the following. PRECURSOR HYPERALLOYS: Within the depths of Kallan's supermassive gas giant, abnormally dense materials were located, which were later resolved to be the wrecks of ancient starships. While everything else had long succumbed to the intense gravity, heat, pressure, and fluids of the gas giant, the hull and structure remained. Dropping research bases into the area, the League discovered the secrets to density collapsing specific metals to create a hyperalloy- and alloy created specifically by density collapse, rather than smelting. These hyperalloys are exceptionally dense but exponentially stronger than traditional alloys and metals. ATOMIC MASTERY: The League has access to a considerable amount of water, thorium, and uranium, among other materials. They used this to utilize and master fission and fusion applications. 95% of power generated by the League utilizes this technology. TERRAFORMING MASTERY: Due to actively degrading conditions on the only greenzone planet, the League was forced to develop substantially into terraforming, more than was expected. With the additional minor threat of a repeat of what happened to their other potential green zone planet, the League us very attentive to the research, development, and continued use of terraforming technology to modify a planet to an ideal state. VOLITANT ATMOSPHERIC - SPACE CONTROL CARRIER, FLEET SUPPLY AND FREIGHT (VASCC-FSF): These are the stand-in for traditional spaceports, space elevators, and space hooks. Designed to operate as flying airbases and spaceports, these giant airships are built to cruise anywhere from mid-to-high Troposphere, where most commercial aircraft can reach the airship, and heavy haulers can similarly, easily, reach. Landing and securing such aircraft on wide wings, the VASCC-FSF "VASK" can load and unload these aircraft that can launch from even rudimentary heliports and rise to low planetary orbit, utilizing high efficiency nuclear-powered electronic propulsion to cruise at any of these relevant altitudes. In low orbit, she can connect to short sky-hooks from middle orbit, dock with some starcraft designed for it, and take and launch shuttles. She acts as a general command and control for planetary forces, acts as a mobile airbase, and monitors planetary conditions to assist in terraforming. VASK units are also designed to utilize planetary weather and various defensive subsystems to make themselves undetectable to spacecraft, with greater efficiency the lower they are, and control airspace around them. VASK units can be built in low to medium orbit and "dropped" into the atmosphere. These are the culmination of much of the League's computational, terraforming, and smart technologies.[/sub] [color=f7941d]Military Overview[/color]: [sup]small military with a high tech level.[/sup] [u]Synopsis[/u] [sup]The League's Intra-Solar Defense Corps, or ISDC, functions primarily as security and peacekeeping, and primarily focuses on intelligence gathering within the League and its member nations and colonies and launching small, targeted strikes where applicable to prevent major conflicts from occurring. Internal security and unrest management is the top priority of the League's military.[/sup] [u]Departments[/u] Intra-Solar Space Command and Logistics Corps: [sup]At the heart, this is the administrative branch of the military that directs and guides all other branches. They operate as administration, logistics, special military research, operate training facilities, and employ diplomats and other special and unique work that the other branches do not fully encompass.[/sup] Intra-Solar Security Office: [sup]Acts as the intelligence gathering organization for the League, operating all across the solar system to ensure unrest remains low and to ensure all member nations keep their unrest in check and prevent from spilling over into other League nations. [/sup] Intra-Solar Security Corps: [sup]Acts as the special weapons and tactics force, operating with as elite members as possible and the best offensive and defensive gear the League possesses.[/sup] Intra-Solar Marine Corps: [sup]Acts as the general military for combined arms. Considered, arguably, the least important of the branches, the Marines are mostly geared towards customs inspection, damage control, first responders, and reserve crew for the League's military ships, and don't often see any action.[/sup] Intra-Solar Space Fleet Corps: [sup]Acts as the defense fleet, customs inspection, security, orbital overwatch, extra-terrestrial first responders, first contact, and other space-born mission handlers. They operate the League's warships and provide the visible strong-arm of the spaceforce. A special note is that while Space Fleet is often lightly armed [in comparison to nations not yet encountered], all Space Fleet ships possess [i]significant[/i] electronic warfare packages, significantly enhanced power generation, propulsion, and ultra-heavy armor. A warship can generally be considered to easily take hits designed for a ship two classes above their own, even if their offensive capability is almost a full class below, presuming that ship class sizes range from: Corvette, Frigate, Destroyer, Cruiser, Battlecruiser, Dreadnought, Battleship, Superdreadnought. The maximum size the League currently has constructed is a Cruiser.[/sup] Intra-Solar Terrestrial Fleet Corps: [sup]Performs all the same duties as Space Fleet, but geared towards planetary bodies. The ships the TFC operates from are either wet navy ships, or air navy ships. Wet navy ships are largely known already, but the special purpose of this branch lies specifically with the air navy: instead of space-ports, the League employs massive airships that travel constantly around their planet's surface. These airships, VASK units, act as airbases, atmospheric monitoring and research, spaceports (with all the amenities and even some shops and R&R facilities), limited terraforming, and more.[/sup] Intra-Solar Special Research Division: [sup]This division is the most recently formed and the smallest, dedicated to a single purpose. With the advent and discovery of gravity manipulation, it was unanimously decided by the League to keep the technology's security a cut above the rest. All researchers and engineers that work with the technology are either enlisted or contracted with the ISSRD and work directly under the ISSRD and Space Command's hand. Manufacturing, research, and engineering facilities with gravitonic research, development, and machinery on, in, or around gas giants are strictly under the command and control of the ISSRD.[/sup] [/hider] --- Additional Info: - Edited 12:12 CST, added PRECURSOR to Tech overview and planets.