[color=gray][indent][right][h1][color=983c34]Ripley Lennox[/color][/h1][/right][right][sub][hr][color=9d362f]Mentions:[/color] Clarissa ([@Crusader Lord]) [color=9d362f]Location:[/color] Camphor's Lab[/sub][/right][hr] [/indent][indent]Ripley was instantly enthralled by the sight and promise of these "special" pokedexes. He'd always wanted to set out on the world, pokedex and partner at his side to see what the world have to offer. So, as one was put towards him, he immediately took it and booted it up, diligently taking in what it had to say. [color=983c34]"Ahaha, it's so cute!"[/color] He commented aloud to the group, barely being able to tear his eyes off it as he pointed to it in its novelty. He was, immediately after its info drop on his beloved partner, finicking with the screen and any buttons he could find, filtering through the various apps and settings in an excited exploration of the new technology bestowed upon him. He was never much of a techie himself, but countless young souls thought of a pokedex as a dream-tool for any aspiring trainer. It was truly invaluable. And this one was even playful, to boot! His thorough inspection of the device was interrupted only by the delivery of a small carepackage, containing a couple potions and a few pokeballs, to his person. Which he accepted gratefully, a smile on his face as his head dipped lightly in thanks. After that, he tuned back into Camphor's dismissal of the group, offering them the last bits of info they needed. Hopefully he wasn't forgetting anything important that he needed to ask - though, there was so much to think about for such an expansive and unknown journey that it was likely he indeed was. Either way, if he really needed to ask something, there was always Camphor's number on the 'dex. The consequences of using it, well.. hopefully he wouldn't have to find out. It was probably something like eight-million pushups.. Either way, once they got back to reception it seemed everyone would be thinking about their next steps. As they walked, Ripley couldn't help but feel energy buzzing through his legs. He was brimming with a desire to get out there. But, if one thought about it.. where was the rush? He and Zorua had all the time in the world to explore wherever they wanted. So maybe they could take it a little slower - after all, he never even left Rivenwall, and all 'the sudden they were in Byjerlfal, of all places! As the others debated their next steps, so did Ripley, internally, as his companion skittered about. Said companion seemed to be doing its own exploring as it paddled about beneath the other trainers, examining them each briefly and managing to catch their plans in the process. Nobody could really tell what was going through the creature's mind, but Pokémon had their own way of thinking that led them to gravitate towards whatever it was they gravitated towards. And in this case, it seemed an offer from one of their fellow trainers interested the little thing. As Ripley stood not-at-all still, thinking as he flexed his calves subconsciously in anticipation of their departure, Zorua pattered up to him and nudged him to draw his attention. The boy's attention shifted downward towards his companion and drew the conclusion, based of its gestures towards her, that it wished to accompany.. Clarissa, was it? in her offer. Ripley had heard the couple-of offers so far, and was currently taking them into account as he tried to decide what their first course of action should be. He had yet to decide - but if Zorua wanted to go down a particular route, well.. what reason had he to deny her? His gaze shifted back upwards and towards Clarissa. Hmm. Well, she didn't seem like a stickler for fun, at the very least! ..He hoped. But, it seemed she was interested in scoping out some more urban-based Pokémon - and he was definitely not going to scoff at that! In truth, he himself had never really planned on what sort of companions he had been hoping for, in terms of Pokémon - he more-so just expected certain Pokémon to.. make their way into his life, if ever a thing were to happen. He knew there were trainers who treated the capture of Pokémon more like a collection of sorts, and he supposed he could see the gratification in that. But he wasn't the sort of person to limit himself in such ways. That is not say he was not the type to not have a type - he had some ideas in his head, in terms of Pokémon-interest. Really, who wouldn't? Living in Rivenwall, he had seen many-a 'mon brought to fight in the tournaments they held there. Some of them more exotic - but the ones that were domestic to the area were those with which he could grow to appreciate the profile of, being as knowable as they were. Being that they were mostly urban Pokémon in Rivenwall, and he had never owned a pokeball to catch them, it was only natural that Rip was just dying to get his hands on at least one of them - so he might have plans parallel to the pink-haired girl himself. But for now, he'd see about addressing the matter at hand. Breaking out of his thought bubble, Ripley took it upon himself to approach the offer casually, walking up to Clarissa until her attention visually shifted to him. His features rose as he offered a smile in greeting. [color=983c34]"Heya- Clarissa, yeah? I wouldn't mind waitin' around for a day if you're lookin' for a partner or two!"[/color] He spoke, looking down to his side as Zorua skittered up between the two trainers, eyes affixed upwards towards Clarissa in hopefulness. [color=983c34]"Pa's always said I need to cool my heels when it comes to making big decisions, so maybe that day could be what I need for the journey-ta-come. Well - if you'll have us, of course!"[/color] He finished, a hint of considerate hesitation creeping into his last few words. He'd understand if someone as.. [i]loud[/i] as him was unappreciated as a partner - he had been confronted with such scenarios before -- but it'd never stop him from trying. Even if he was denied, he still had Zorua, and that was more than enough for him, in the end. [/indent][/color]