"And I'm not a 'cat-thing' I'm a Firbolg!" Katherine complained. "Saving humans... Well, if it's a side-effect. Mostly, I'm concerned with making sure demons don't run around willy-nilly. Personally." The firbolg crossed her arms and tapped her foot. "Though, I do like to go out of my way to save pretty women where I can." Lyssa was right however. They were in some odd standoff. They couldn't really do anything than aim at her and she could take her hosts life and feed the idol blood. But.... She had a... A really bold idea. There was something fairly similar between the demon that had fought in the town center and the ones they fought to get there. Something of an aquatic nature perhaps? She spoke under her breath to Lyssa. "This may go well or it may go bad... But I think I do have a small bit of a plan." She bit her lip a small bit and reached under her skirt. Out from there, however she was hiding it, was the spherical capsule that held the demon they had captured the other day. As it seemed, she did not turn it in somehow and had done something with it. Not that Lyssa or Eliz would know what was in it of course. She pulled an arm back and threw the ball forward. "Demon girl, I choose you!" She exclaimed, unsure of why exactly she said such a thing, really. She just hoped this might have a small effect that she wanted.