[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/4414d6099bc94c9c0204daacdd923ae7.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Kirah][@PatientBean][@Master EffeX][@Trainerblue192][@mattmanganon][/center] [hr][center][img]https://media.tenor.com/qyXQ9XhF_c4AAAAC/explosion-explode.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][color=yellow][b]Lance Banner[/b][/color][/h3] [img]https://i.ibb.co/0XPXPYj/Webp-net-resizeimage-8.png[/img][img]https://i.ibb.co/bQLv9VC/Webp-net-resizeimage-5.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=yellow]Location:[/color][/b] Asteroid M [b][color=8493ca]Skills:[/color][/b] [color=yellow]Advanced First Aid[/color] [hr][/center] [color=FF5733]"It is, the issue seems to be from something else though not entirely sure what. Of course it is entirely possible something was damaged when someone decided to blow a hole in the station. Which was not something we expected to have happened."[/color] he said towards Guin when she had asked about it. [color=7ea7d8]"I mean you have ro realize things like that are possible when you've got psychos like Exodus on board,"[/color] Pietro muttered under his breath. This was getting insanely ridiculous, and they were running out of options especially when considering the fact that there was a large wave of water on the other side of the wall now that was trying to get through and maybe even drown them. Lance got up from where he was now that his leg seemingly was doing better thanks to Ed (wherever he was really) so now he could at least move around and not cause any issues for anyone else because of it. [color=yellow]"Well that sort of thing would depend on how the water systems and everything would work to determine if the explosion would have caused damage or something..."[/color] Lance ended up saying out loud. He seriously doubted that the explosion would have caused that much damage though. There would have been water surrounding them already if that had been the case. Even when everything was opened to space there should have been something. Mira was all for the whole idea of getting out of this hallway. Especially given who they were currently around at the moment. She backed up a bit now, before glancing towards where Neil was walking along, [color=8493ca]"I agree... We probably don't want to stick around in the event that it doesn't hold and this area gets flooded again..."[/color] she said to the others. [color=yellow]"Well hopefully we can catch back up with the others so we don't have to be here much longer... Since this is not exactly the best place to be at the moment. At least until we can figure out where the others are currently. Though pretty sure they were supposed to be down that hall that we were going towards before everything kind of started happening. Which means they might be stuck in a room or something too now..."[/color] [color=7ea7d8][i]This is still insanely weird that we aren't fighting my dad... Since what the hell. I still don't trust him so hopefully we find the others quickly and get out before something else happens... Either that or an argument breaks out that doesn't end well.[/i][/color] [color=FF5733]"Down the direction those two are heading down there is a few other pathways and halls that connect towards that part of the facility. Though a lot of the halls are interconnecting. Which means that it might be well flooded that direction as well. So precaution would be recommended on that. Doors might have been sealed off and shut to prevent water from going elsewhere."[/color] [color=yellow]"I guess it gives a starting point at least..."[/color] Lance said, figuring they might want to get moving in general. Getting out of this hall before something else happened would probably be for the best. Though what Magneto had said about the hall made sense. Though considering the others were in that direction it made it a bit more difficult to get to where they might be. [hr][hr][center][h3][color=007236][b]Marygold Isley[/b][/color][/h3] [img]https://i.ibb.co/hHx3LWz/Webp-net-resizeimage-4.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=007236]Location:[/color][/b] Asteroid M [b][color=007236]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][/center] She was really starting to not like this guy, at all. Her temper was starting to get the better of her as the guy seemed to not overly get exactly why she was asking about Cortez. [color=007236]"The reason why I'm asking is because genius this station doesn't have any more damage to it aside from wherever that explosion came from earlier which is in a completely different direction from where that flood water is coming from. That flood is being caused by someone who has the power to manipulate and create water from farther down the hall. A person we had ran into and who had attacked us mind you. The same person whose powers were perfectly fine before, no issues perfect control of it. As we headed down this way, we ran into Cortez, who I'd assume at this rate considering he kind of caused some of our own powers to go haywire, headed that way. Don't you think it's a bit odd that suddenly that same initial person's powers suddenly go haywire when a guy who can cause that walked that way? The issue isn't any system on this place, it's because of one of the people in it... Probably."[/color] she added the last part because she wasn't a hundred percent that's what happened. It was currently the best option that she could think of since the person down the hall is freaking out which is probably going to make things worse. Flynn walked over and opened the one door in the room that wasn't having issues with water coming through, and unfortunately for them, it turned out to be a closet, that meant that there weren't really any exits out of this room. [color=639A5E]"...Guess that means no exit for us, so that's just great. Since all the other doors seemed to at least be somewhat connected at various points, to the now flooded hallway."[/color] Mary's attention started shifting around the room, looking for any sort of way that they might be able to easily get out of the room. Unfortunately there didn't seem to be an easy way to get from where they were currently. The amount of water was a bit of a concern though. They couldn't just open the door or anything, practically the whole corridor was full of water and they were not with too many options now as to where they could easily get going to. [color=007236]"There are a million things that could go wrong, and we are running out of options on what to do..."[/color] she muttered under her breath, her head swirling a bit from all of the chaos going on inside of it right now. [i][color=CB7B00]Well looks like you're in a bit of situation aren't you?[/color][/i] [i][color=007236]Shut up you're not real, go away.[/color][/i] [i][color=CB7B00]Oh you know, just sitting around seemingly waiting to drown if that door has any issues of if the wizard's shield's fail. You could potentially do something about that.[/color][/i] [i][color=007236]No. Not going to do it. Especially not with you deciding to be around.[/color][/i] [i][color=CB7B00]Oh? You mean from that box in the back of your head that you and the space chicken decided to lock me in? I never went away, despite the bird trying to help your brain heal but it's so screwed up no one can fix it to begin with.[/color][/i] [i][color=007236]No, shut up shut up shut up.[/color][/i] [color=639A5E]"Uhhh... Are you okay?"[/color] Flynn asked, Mary sort of had been looking at the floor for a little while and it was seemingly a bit creepy at this point with it. Well, more weird in general. [color=007236]"Yeah... Um... Fine, just fine,"[/color] she responded, though her head was saying otherwise. [i][color=CB7B00]Told you. You are kind of on the weaker side, and your powers and everything are starting to spiral. You were fine before, holding it off after what started happening with Perry's powers, but not anymore. Hence why I'm able to be here and you can't keep my mouth shut anymore. Well if your powers are going to go crazy, either kill everyone in here already or gets us out of here. I really don't like the idea of dying.[/color][/i] [i][color=007236]If you shut up for two seconds I could think of something![/color][/i] Mary snapped mentally at her. Though to the others around her the only thing they'd see would be her shutting her eyes and putting her hands to her head. [i][color=CB7B00]Well since you won't do anything. I will. Might as well put all of the chaos around you to some use. Since your powers are starting to go crazy.[/color][/i] Her hands suddenly seemed to have fire coming from them though as her powers started to go insane, and not her usual ones. Seeing what was going on though, much like when it happened before not long after Cortez had messed with her around the same time as Perry. [color=007236]"Go out go out go out..."[/color] she muttered as the fire seemed to be getting worse. [i][color=CB7B00]Yeah no, I'm taking over now since you clearly can't do anything right.[/color][/i] After a moment, the fire seemingly was under control. Well mostly anyway, though now there was seemingly a ball of fire in her hand as she started thinking for a moment. Her eyes were red in color instead of their usual dark green. [color=CB7B00]"That idiot sort of messed with everything with my powers including a flaming bird which means might want to burn off whatever extra energy there might be before we all get burned cause that would be bad you know."[/color] she commented, looking over at the others now, [color=CB7B00]"Otherwise I might be the one blowing a hole in this place. Though might be able to get us out of this roof if people don't mind the idea of getting a little warm or something a little bit."[/color]