[hider=Erwin] Name: Erwin Est Eluin Species: Human Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: Height : 6'2 Weight : 190-210 lbs Skin color : fair Hair Color : Blonde Eye Color : Blue A young blond-haired man with a vague resemblance to the king. He has a youthful look, maybe the age of nineteen or twenty. But, soft of face, he doesn't have too many distinguishing factors about him. He looks like a standard young squire, almost like a template for a young German man with some medieval armor and clothes. But he is often found wearing rather well-off clothing made of suitable cloth materials, dyed, and with good stitching that is hardly visible or edging around it. He is often found wearing reds and blues together, which is his typical clothing, but there is also typically a form of leather vest or leather padding and armor that covers him. Should he be traveling or in the thought of combat/training, he will typically be in metal plate armor, similar to those of the late medieval/early modern northern Italian. Bio: Growing up in royalty and nobility, he grew up relatively pomp. Enjoying a relative life of luxury alongside traders and those in the elite. He would serve his uncle well, primarily under his grandfather, as a direct guard and assistant. He would become a squire and serve under knights, King Guard, and local Life Guard units. But this is almost the entirety of his life, being within guard units, parties, and the higher life of the kingdom. But, when he turned eleven, he truly began life; that was when he didn't grow. He learned to read and write but didn't do much else. Thus, his life was delegated to parties and fighting. Two things that he did well and that he enjoyed. He grew bored and highly arrogant; his grandfather kept him relatively tame, but his ego and size would cause him to become a brat in all sense of the word. He grew and became a strong warrior in the guard, fighting and being able to best a good portion of his allies within the guard. Growing to an 'older' age, he would be farther away from his friends and such, along with his grandfather and his company, until they were told to return to the capital as his uncle summoned them. He was told to see the king. It was also to get him away from the others and to make less of an embarrassment to the family due to his drunkenness and tomfoolery in political talks. Passives: Weapon Master - He knows how to use almost any weapon, from muskets and bows to swords and spears. However, he prefers a sword and halberd. Armor Master - He can wear most armor without it hindering his movement. Heavy Drinker - He can drink a lot. Spells: None Equipment: Flintlock rifle - A flintlock musket barrel loading, non-rifled and socket ring for a socket bayonet. Powder flask - Flask of gunpowder Socket Bayonet - A bayonet that fits around the barrel but cannot be used as a knife. Steel Bastard Sword - a hand-in half-sword of a decently long length, a relatively generic sword in all comparison, but it does have a small crested pommel with a bear upon it. Steel Plate Armor and Armet Helmet - standard medieval armor, styled as if in Northern Italy. Steel hatchet - a small axe typically used for cutting wood but can be used as a weapon on short notice. Steel off-knife - a utilitarian knife that can be used for self-defense or many reasons on short notice. Leather side bag - A good purpose draw bag to hang over the shoulder or on a belt. Backpack and pack roll - a backpack and sleeping roll for storage. Cooking kit - standard military cooking kit, small metal pan/fork to put over a fire. Other: For the most part is just a common elite who is into being an officer, and soldiery. [/hider] [hider=Thernous] Name: Thernous Est Eluin Species: Human Age: 76 Gender: Male Appearance: Height : 5'7 Weight : 140 lbs Skin : Pasty white Hair Color : White Eye Color : Blue An aging man who has seemed to have done much in his life. He is thick but aged, but for his age, he is still up and moving decently well. However, he is typically seen with a staff to walk with, a friendly wooden staff with a metal curve moving about it that is likely a bisthmus-bronze, that ends near the bottom of the staff. But aside from that, it's typically robes often found in a court, or in a man who is a dignitary to those outside of the court in foreign counties or in the outer lands. But when traveling, he usually wears drab-colored clothing that won't get dirty on horseback or while walking—usually robes, tunics, and cloaks. Bio: At a young age, he took to books while his nephew grew into a great man; he continued his life in his father's libraries. When he was young, when wars and trials arose, he saw his country grow into something beautiful. While he often didn't fight, he was found to be a good and wise young man to send as dignitaries, as an olive branch of peace, or as a hand of coin for trade. His primary task to his kingdom was to be one who talked and made things better, and he traveled far and wide to some places most of his kingdom did not know about. But, since his youth, he has been advising those in his kingdom, specifically his family, in their business and running of their lands and people. But recently, he has been taking care of his younger grandson, keeping him away from many things, and making sure that his lifestyle does not get out of hand to teach the man some wisdom to the world. But, when it comes to it, he and his grandson are sent back to the capital to do his work once again for his uncle. Passives: Wisdom of age : He shows as an entity of simplicity and good; while he is ancient and caring, he tends to be a source of wisdom even if he doesn't speak. Humbling approach : He tends to be a very lovely individual, seems humble, and can make even small things humble. Scholar of engineering and trades : he tends to study trades, architecture, and arts, and he tries to be something beyond to assist those in the world, but he also uses it with magic, putting logic to something magical. Spells: Healing Hand : He can heal wounds, and with his knowledge and scholar, can combine it with essential medication. Heating Hand : his hands can heat up, it can warm up small things, or assist in cleaning wounds. Natural thought : He can calm his mind, and use the weave to allow him to see a situation clearly and relentlessly, but it also allows for an intelligence to arise when doing math. Hand of fire : He is able to throw fire from his hands, but he often does not do it wildly like a pyromancer, he often confines it to small areas similar to a heating hand, where he can make clean cuts in flesh, stone, or other small objects, it makes it easy to craft, or shape blocks when building. But he also can cauterize wounds, and, if left untamed, spews fire, can also be transmuted through his staff's end. Equipment: Scholarly/Noble robes - Robes found for those of a high status. Staff - a walking staff that he can push magic through should it be needed. Satchel - a small leather satchel Tea set - a metal tea set with eight cups and a tea set. Tea pouch - a pouch full of tea leaves Cooking set - a few pans, a pot, cooking utensils Blanket rolls - several for sitting, several for sleeping. Other: Often, he drinks tea and other warm drinks while on the road; he often does not fight or do many things besides talk and be a source of information. [/hider]