The light of the Khodex spilled out into empty cosmos, twisting and spiraling within the darkness flitting along the shockwaves of creation being borne inexorably into the darkness. Yet even this light, scattered and broken along the darkness as it was, felt the pull of the first word and command of the universe that issued out into the darkness. [color=gold][i][b]Come[/b][/i][/color] The light wavered at this first of commands, its scattering stopping even as the force of the shockwaves would have carried them forward. It hung there writhing in its own inaction that to it seemed necessary for reasons it could not begin to articulate. So it was that in this inaction did the light begin to condense, at first it was simple small motes of light no larger than flitting spots that began to collect and rub against another, then more and more strands and treads of the scattered light were drawn to this condensation. Faster and faster were they drawn to this now central point of light, brighter and brighter did they get, and as they did a new feeling spread across the light. [color=orange]Heat.[/color] As they drew into and upon themselves the light was growing hotter and hotter, and as it grew hotter the light grew brighter and brighter. Soon this nucleus of gathered light and heat began to cast off tendrils of itself that searched for purchase in the darkness but finding none fell back into the whole. Still it collected light, and still did that light create heat, a self fueling system that continued on and on until the light had consumed itself totally into the nucleus. Finally a last scrap of light, perhaps even the smallest of them all, came to hang above the roiling nucleus of heat and light. Slowly did it spiral down to the surface of the thing, and lightly did it touch it. And in that instance did the nucleus tear and split open in roaring explosion, turning in on itself as it condensed further in the new inferno. The new form that emerged new its name as well as it knew the roar of its previous self, [b]Anat'aa[/b]. Laughing and embracing herself as the fire of the nucleus finally fully fell into her did she dance in the darkness, the sound of her laughter echoing like that first explosion in the dark, sparks flew from her as she did but dutifully came back to her as she danced. But her revelry was cut short as the second command issued out, more insistent, less to be ignored. So did Anat'aa return to the Khodex, her smile as broad as her light as she looked upon the scroll. Reaching out her hand wisps of fire curled out to touch and inscribe upon the codex the knowledge of itself and her. The words appeared where the wisps touch, burned into the scroll with a delicate hand. So did Anat'aa inscribe her essence into the scroll, and in doing so was nothing spared from the changing touch of fire that none that know its caress are left the same. [hider=Summary] Anat'aa is formed from the errant light of the Khodex and the heat its coalescence created. After this she inscribes her name upon the codex and alongside it the natural rules of fire (chemically changing things as they burn, melting ores, etc.) Expenditures: -4 MP to help create the universe and inscribe the rules of fire [/hider]