[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=6666FF]Demetri Rowan Howell[/color][/b] [b][color=CC00CC]Cassian Rudenko[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1125619539040813077/Copy_of_Black_and_Gold_Eye_Modern_Occult_Illustrative_Halloween_Virtual_Background.gif[/img][hr][b][color=6666FF]Location:[/color][/b] Limbo [b][color=6666FF]Skills: Cassian: Panflute Playing, Chaos and Madness Induction, Magic Item[/color][/b] [hr][hr][/center] Moments flashed by inside of Demetris mind. The darkness quickly being overtaken by things that had happened in the past, and moments that he'd only dreamt and wished of. As he lay there unconscious his mind turned to his birthday, that lovely day spent out in their secret garden where Zeke had given him his beanie. The flowers seemed so vibrant and saturated as they danced a mesmerizing dance that seemed to hypnotize him. He could feel his body moving as his eyes flickered open for a brief second, the casino lights mimicking the colors and shapes of the garden before Demi was plunged back into darkness. The colors faded, leaving behind only the dim ceiling light of Zeus Cabin. Sounds of campers could be heard laughing and giggling along to merriment just outside. Demi took in his bearings, realizing where he was. He was on a couch, his couch, and as he looked towards his reflection on the black screen of the tv he could see he was dressed as a vampire, someone was next to him but barely out of frame. He turned to find Zeke there, a wide grin on his face as his Odysseus dressed boyfriend went on about how amazing the movie was just then. All he could do was scoff and smile as he watched the enjoyment on his boyfriend's face and adored the way he simply lit up in the moment. Demetri leaned in for a kiss, placing his hands to either side of Zeke's waist, but as soon as he planted it it had felt cold and wet. His eyes flickered open again and he wasn't sitting on his couch, he wasn't even back at camp. He was on a bench, with blaring music and lights surrounding him as he drank from a glass of water. [Color=6666FF]"Thanks Zeke, I don't know what-"[/color] He stopped. Realizing the man next to him wasn't his boyfriend but his fiancé, apple in hand the same way Zeke held it just moments before. Demi grabbed the red fruit and chucked it as far as he could. It may as well have been poison to him. [Color=6666FF]"If you could make me a sandwich or something substantial but portable that'd be great Alexios…but we need to get moving I've already wasted enough of our time."[/color] Cassian was fighting an uphill battle. His hold on the waitresses was wavering, and the Casino itself was actively fighting back. He didn't know if there was someone up above watching over this, making calls to silence the disturbances happening across the floor, but it felt that way. The music began to pound louder, the sounds drawing him out and breaking the tenuous control he had over them. The Chaos stopped, trays abandoned where they stood as the waitresses simply grabbed more plates of cookies and began anew. Frustration bubbled inside of him as he clipped his panflute to his side again. [Color=CC00CC]"This place is actively fighting against us, how are we supposed to move forward when we can't even stay together for longer than a minute, let alone keep ourselves in check? Did Apollo offer [i]any[/i] advice on how we're supposed to make it past this?"[/color] Cassian asked Zeke before pausing and realizing he and Janelle had come back but not Demetri. [Color=CC00CC]"Hey lover boy, aren't you a Demigod short?"[/color]