My name is Shimizu Hiro, or Hiro Shimizu to all of you backwards western folk. I am twenty-eight years of age, and I have done quite a bit of traveling in that time. I am well on my way to finishing collage with a degree in theology, minoring in psychology and history. I am male, though in my youth I was frequently confused with the other gender. Not that I wish to sound pretentious, but I would have to say my strengths are: My sharp wit and tactically-focused mind, both of which have helped me out of many a situation... as well as into them. I can be very stubborn, but also determined. Once I set my mind to something, nothing can make me back down- I will always find a way, especially when others cannot. I also have been told I am wise as well as smart. I learn from my mistakes, as well as those of others and readily dip into that well of information to work out a situation. Physically, I am agile and fast, though I can surely pack a punch when needed. I am also quite resilient, I suppose. I have plenty of scars and x-ray charts to prove that. My weaknesses... well, I can have a short fuse, and I can get frustrated quite easily, especially when I feel I am not being respected. I am not the best team player, either. I tend to keep my ideas to myself and just do my own thing. In fact, I keep to myself in general. I am not the most social of people, and can be standoffish. However, I am very protective of those who are close to me, and I will always help those in need. Another issue can be my self-neglect, but let's not get into that, ne? I have many, many interests- how can one not? I am an audiophile, meaning I am obsessed with music and sound. I play the piano quite proficiently, and I think I am pretty good with the violin and guitar. Along with music, my creative drive leads me to write. I have over a dozen half-finished novels clogging up my computer and at least four roleplays going at all times. I love to cook and explore new foods, and have become quite good at it, I even thought about taking up cuisine as my major. I also greatly enjoy being active. I have taken various martial arts classes throughout my life, though for the last few years parkour/free running has been my exercise of choice. As for my dislikes, they are pretty basic: Ignorance, arrogance, petty disputes, racism, homophobia (or any other social phobias, really), disrespect and all around "bullying". All in all, don't treat others badly, and I won't treat you badly. A description of me (in third person because I am bad at writing such things in first): 5'10" with a lithe build baring lean, toned muscle. Long limbs and thin hands can make him seem almost frail. Sleek, mid-back length raven-black hair frames his nearly effeminate and angular face, which combines high cheekbones and almond-shaped eyes with a less shallow, pointed nose and stronger jaw of western people. His skin is Asiatic pale, with a smattering of light golden freckles over his nose and cheeks. His eyes are an unusually dark blue/grey and are lined with thick, dark lashes. A few scars are scattered across his body, gained from a tough childhood and an active adult life. Aside from his scars, his most defining features are his tattoos: A henna-like [url=]lotus and ankh[/url] on the inside of his right forearm, near the elbow; a stylized [url=]treble clef[/url] on his back between his shoulder blades; and across the insides of his wrists, Latin script that reads "Within all day there is night” (left) and “Within all darkness there is light” (right). His clothing is generally dark and simple: comfortable, slim-fitting (not skinny) jeans; plain long sleeved shirts; tank-tops and tees with artistic graphics; loose, warm and well-worn hoodies; flat-heeled black leather boots; a black leather jacket and leather driving gloves for riding. He always wears a small silver ankh pendant, a 1/2 inch round amber pendant inlaid in silver and a dark blue woven bracelet with a blue Turkish evil eye bead. My power is Umbrakinesis, the power over shadows and darkness. It makes sense for a solitary night-owl like me and though it may not seem like much now, but I can feel the potential.