[center][h2]Talyr[/h2][b]The Wandering Gourmand[/b][/center] [u][b]Domain[/b][/u] Cooking [hider=Description]Cooking is taking various ingredients to combine and make a safer and better tasting meal. While not particularly expansive beyond that, within its own domain it has almost infinite potential with as many combinations existing being as many as ingredients could exist. And the only thing determining what an ingredient can be is only determined by what a creature can eat, meaning so long as new things continue to be made and evolve there is always more to do. Deities of this domain would be ones to sanction and inspire this level of creativity and experimentation. While again not a reality defining power food finds itself at a center of many cultures and most events. Meaning their presence is around practically everywhere intelligent life will find itself. While not heavily expansive beyond making incredibly good food and creative combinations, like with the mortals they'd inspire the deities would find themselves often present in a lot of dealings by the fact that cooking itself needs to deal with many basic domains to be even possible.[/hider] [hider=Appearance]Talyr is one to keep her common forms as unassuming as possible. To mix with her domain being small, she herself doesn't want to keep a high profile in her frequent visits the mortal realm. When in the mortal realms she often shows up as a rather plain individual based on the area. Matching what could be seen as a normal person if intelligent creatures are in the area, but if there is not she will follow her usual divine appearance. From her personal preference she usually aims to appear as a female, but she is not limited to that and can show up as a man if it is needed for whatever reason Talyr when outside in the more divine realms and among other gods still attempts to often play a lower profile and keep extreme features hidden. She often shows up as a rather plain-faced person with a long, mid-back length black hair. Her only real defining features is a mix of seemingly random features based on whatever personal experiments she'd been doing lately. Some examples may be her skin switching to color of grains, claws of a predator recently added to a dish, growing stems of herbs added, and other defining features of the various things put in the food. She almost always wears a dark blue apron over whatever clothes she happens to be at the time.[/hider] [u][b]Description[/b][/u] [indent]Talyr is a deity which one would often called obsessed with her domain. She rarely cares about anything else that couldn't relate to cooking in some way. In some senses she's an incredibly active deity in influencing things, in that she will often actively seek out new ingredients from things recently created on the planet. She visits actual areas with mortals often, in order to either investigate what they are doing or to acquire ingredients in specific ways. In another sense she is a very inactive deity, very rarely interacting with anything outside of the context of trying to make new meals and have others try them. For whatever follows her obsession with their own there is a high chance of her appearing in some form to give inspiration to them to reach greater heights of creativity in the craft. While she rarely interacts outside of cooking, she seems to take a keen interest in other forms of discovery and exploration. After all creativity in creating new creatures from other gods, discovering areas where life may have flourished in some way from evolution, all of these things are fuel for more recipes for the goddess.[/indent]