[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=pink][center]Seraphina Cedergren[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b5/f3/d6/b5f3d6b2175160a721bd481b25d4ffde.gif[/img][/center] [i][center]Location: Atlantis [/center][/i][i][center]Skills: Hydrokinsis[/center][/i][hr][hr] [color=pink]"Oh I um well ah...."[/color] She felt the spotlight was on her now and didn't really like that a whole lot. Sera took a moment before finally speaking again. [color=pink]"I uh.... Well I like reading. Ah, I can cook a really good cake or like a big pumpkin pie."[/color] The girl tried to think of more things but oddly her thoughts left her, trying to fish information out of her brain. [color=pink]"Er.... I know how to do fencing, did a couple years of it actually. It was a fun activity."[/color] What else would her father want to know about her? How she hated rats? That she could sew just about anything and fix up things if they got holey? [color=pink]"Sorry, I don't really talk about myself often. I just sorta blend into the background. People call me shy and as quiet as a mouse.... which i dont like rodents much."[/color] She shook her head a few times. [color=pink]"But today during the mission, I sorta felt like being more out in the open. Guess its a thing that Demigods want to do. Be in all the action. Its like a big adrenaline rush all of the sudden! I've felt it before when doing competition for my fencing classes. Wanting to win each match against my opponent. I just thought I got excited like any normal person when they wanted to win by all means. Looks like theres a true reasoning why.... I'm just a kid wanting to be a hero."[/color]