Jessica turned to look at the new comer with a nod of approval. Few merchant sailors wanted to risk the short violent life of a pirate, seamen were a precious resource who could find employment with any merchant, or a navy if they preferred steady employment with less pay. There were some men however who preferred adventure to security. This man seemed to be the type willing to try his luck, which was fine with her. "Welcome aboard lad," she called, clapping the man on the shoulder. "Krycek here will get you set up with a watch... after we strip everything of value from this old bitch!" The loot was largely food, booze and tools, but that was always what pirates needed most. There was gold to be found if you were lucky, but it was the day to day items that were most prized. Jessica kept watch on the beached warship through her spy glass. The Ran-tai sailors in a furry of activity. They had jury rigged a new rudder and were trying in vain to pull the ship off the beach with long boats. They seemed very keen to take up the chase. "Cap'n," Krycek said as he stomped up onto the quarter deck. The last supplies were being hauled aboard now in slings fastened to the main yards. "It's the sailor that volunteered he..." "Isn't a sailor," Jessica interrupted, snapping her eye glass shut. The dwarf scowled, irritated to have his thunder stolen. "How did you know?" the dwarf asked. "No callouses on his hands," Jessica explained. "Want me to put him over the side?" Krycek offered. Jessica shook her head and glanced to the gathering storm. "No. Assign him to the top masts for this storm, lets see how dedicated to playing sailor he really is..."