[b]Name:[/b] Jordan Forthey [b]Ethnicity and species:[/b] Rodorian, human (white) [b]Sex/gender:[/b] Male/man [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Physical build and appearance:[/b] Jordan is about 1.83 tall (a notch over 6 feet), leanly built, but quite fit guy. He has shoulder-length hair that, much to his annoyance, has been described as "potato-colored" - a sort of uneven light brown that's almost, but not quite dirty blond -, perpetually slightly concerned blueish-gray eyes, and quite youthful face which seems to acquire a random thin mess of (for some reason) blond hair, should he ever go more than two days without shaving. Often has a bruise or a few to show for his efforts of trying to learn combat. [b]Languages:[/b] Native Rodorian speaker; his master has been trying to teach him to write on slow days, so he knows what the letters look like and can mostly read and somewhat write, but not exactly fluently and without error. [b]Magic:[/b] Has never used any or tested for it, hence it remains to be seen if he'd be innately gifted enough for it. Has - unbeknownst to him at this point - affinity to lightning and strength of soul just about average for humans, or 0.3kWh. [b]Usual attire: [/b] He is typically seen wearing worn brown leather boots, brown leather belt, gray pants, a white cotton shirt and (in colder weather) a black wool coat. Courtesy of his service a Fadewatcher, his own coin and Sir Yanin, he also has steel plate armor to wear. It's mass-produced, much simpler than Sir Yanin's, and fits decently enough rather than nigh perfectly. Much akin to his master and weather permitting, he can thus be seen wearing the cuirass, faulds and tassets of his armor atop a simple dark greenish blue gambeson even when minding his business, and supplement those with greaves, gauntlets, cuisses and a sallet helmet when conflict is anticipated. As his armor lacks some of the joint protection Sir Yanin's does, it's necessary for him to exercise a bit more caution. He also has a simple, but steel, longsword with its own brown leather sheath, attached to his belt at the left. The sword itself is not much of a looker with its simple crossguard and round pommel; one can tell it's been fixed a few times - the blade has been ground down to 93 cm from the original probably around a meter to correct a lost tip -, but it serves its purpose, and Jordan's master insists it's still semi-decently balanced. Its material is on the softer side for a steel sword, but seems to be without rust veins or other distinct defects. He also has a dagger with a 22cm blade (again with its own leather sheath, though this one attached at the right hip), which is actually new and harder steel. [b]Other equipment, rations and clothing (includes that carried by, but not associated with, his horse):[/b] A whole thirty-eight rodlin. Not too much on the grand scheme of things, but it's his to do whatever he wishes with. A leaf-bladed iron spear, ash pole, 2 meters long. A heater shield (standard Fadewatcher fare). An iron cudgel (standard Fadewatcher fare). A crossbow (standard Fadewatcher fare). An extra pair of gray pants. Two extra shirts. Five extra socks ... he is unsure where the sixth went, but guesses that should he lose another one, he'd have an even number again. Spare underwear (3). Flint and iron. About half a kilogram of dried jerky. Two loaves of bread. A little bottle of vegetable oil, a whetstone and a rag. Soap. Straight razor. About six meters of rope. Cloth that can be used as bandages. A small bottle of strong alcohol (moonshine). [b] Social status and family ties: [/b] He's been Sir Yanin Glade's squire for about three years now, formerly having been the Glades' stable hand since he was about eleven. For the past two years, he has also been serving as a Fadewatcher alongside his master, albeit much like Sir Yanin, he's currently on leave; that's about as far as his standing goes. His family are farmers in Nemhim, owners of a small household, a couple of fields, and a dozen cattle. The household consists of Jordan's mother (38), his father's elderly mother (78), as well as still hosts his two sisters (8 and 12) and brother (9). His third sister and father succumbed to the withering a few years back. Aside of Jordan, the Fortheys are otherwise unaffiliated with the Glades, and in fact condone his continued service after the demise of his father, when it should be his, as the oldest son's, duty to take over his father's place rather than go pursue some illusions of grandeur and potentially get himself killed. Him sending part of his paycheck back to his family the past two years has not seemed to affect their (or at least his mother and grandmother's) opinion on the matter much. [b]Additional notes abilities and skills:[/b] Knows how to take care of and ride horses. Knows how to cook. Knows how to take care of laundry and sort out supplies. Knows how to clean and maintain weapons and armor. Knows common commands and procedures for a guard and most common laws relevant to those patrolling the streets. In general, has a number of fairly mundane everyday skills expected of a squire, a stable hand, or, more recently, a Fadewatcher. As a part of acquiring his status as a Sir Yanin Glade's squire (something he still feels indebted for, seeing that he didn't have the social standing or prowess otherwise), his master has also been trying to teach him combat and social manners. Sir Yanin is a decent, if somewhat impatient teacher of martial arts. Although his master insists he has definitely improved, remaining steeply outclassed even when his master has significant handicap has somewhat curbed Jordan's enthusiasm in regards to his own progress. He intends to keep trying, though, and if it means he gets to keep saving lives and make Rodoria a safer place for everyone, the pain, exhaustion and failures are worth it. As far as social manners go ... a lot of rules. Sir Yanin doesn't seem particularly pleased with those himself, and is even liable to outright ignore his own teachings. But sir Yanin was also an actual knight of a decently well-known family, regardless of his standing within the family itself. A peasant squire is probably not permitted to follow suit, even if Jordan weren't innately bound to be more on the reserved side. [b]Name: [/b]Buddy [b]Species:[/b] Horse [b]Sex:[/b] Male (gelding) [b]Age:[/b] 4 [b]Physical build and appearance:[/b] A slight sorrel horse at barely more than 15 hands (152.4 cm) tall. Who knows what exactly he's supposed to be, but Jordan seems to be quite fond of him. [b]Associated equipment:[/b] Has a brown leather saddle and saddle bags, standard and a bit worn, but not bad quality, stirrups, bridle, a dark gray saddle blanket, and an old patchwork winter blanket. The latter's mostly light gray, but seems to have once been white and cobalt blue. Buddy goes bare-hoofed. In addition, a feeding bag, brush, comb, washcloth, lead rope (stored).