Lily looked at Rose from where they had concealed themselves-- Downwind, naturally-- to eaves-drop on their dad and brother's "Private" conversation. Mischief bloomed silently between them, and not a single word was spoken. They had known each other their entire lives, and were "thicker than fleas on a dog", as their dad would often say. They had fleas too, of course, having fur all over, and living outdoors-- but dogs didn't rub themselves with fresh smelling, and sticky tree sap like bears do. Dogs were just too dumb to know such simple but effective remedies to such every-day problems-- and neither of these girls was dumb. They knew *ALL* the rub spots in the area. ALL of them. Another thing they knew-- was that their older brother was going to see a girl-- and that was something they DAMN SURE was not going to miss out on. It had been a recurring point of cruel joke they made at his expense, that he was twice their age, and not once told a girl he thought she was pretty. The VERY IDEA that he might ACTUALLY say something-- TO A GIRL-- was just too saucy a proposition for them to even CONSIDER passing up. They just *HAD* to be there. Naturally, the had come to that simultaneous conclusion, completely without uttering a word to each other, and embarked on their mischief together-- silently stalking their older brother from a reasonable distance. Cedar was not inexperienced nor did he have a proper lack of being wood-wise, but he wasn't the most discrete about his passing through. The two of them were considerably more sneaky than him-- Mainly, due to their mis-spent childhoods being devoted almost exclusively to mischief when their parents weren't watching. As such, they followed him completely unobserved, as he returned to his hovel, came back outside fully dressed with a huge bow over his shoulder, a fat sack of seeds on his hip, and that absurdly large stick he carried around with him. It was several days travel, with difficult terrain to stay hidden in (given that several open fields were involved, and requiring them to spend a whole day's travel behind him to avoid being caught), before events turned sideways. There was a wooded thicket, and their brother had stopped for the night there. In the night, he got up to go relieve himself, as he often did at night, leaving his posessions behind (as there was no need to pick them up and carry the for so mundane and simple trip away), when there was a terrible scuffle. A red headed woman in flowing robes, a bent old crone, and a handful of ugly, stinky men had concealed themselves, and jumped him in the night as he was squatting. Green bolts of magic flared in the dark, loud cries, and cooing laughter followed as loud male voices called out for ropes and chains. The two girls watched in silent horror as their brother got drug away into the night, loaded into a nearby cart, and carried off. Neither one of them felt foolish enough to try and intercede on such a dangerous and organized assault. Magic like that-- Neither of them had seen, smelled, or touched-- and it was far too focused for them to consider trying to deflect in the ways they knew. All they could do, was hunker down, and watch in horror. Stricken, they returned to where his makeshift camp was, and collected his things, trying to figure out what they should do. It was then that Rose noticed something "Magic" that had been in his pocket. Lily snatched it up like a crow stealing a silver coin, and the two of them hunched over it, examining it closely. [color=ed145b] "Uh think it needs some juice put in it--"[/color] ventured Lily, after trying, and failing, to fully explore its use. It was so complicated inside, it made her head swim when she tried to delve it. [color=fdc68a]"Is it really safe to do that?"[/color] [color=ed145b]"Uh don' feel no dang'rous bits.. Worth a shot?"[/color] They hunched over it, as Rose gave it a gentle 'nudge', and it sprang to life. A handsome looking and well dressed-- if somewhat short and scrawny looking-- man shimmered into view in the center of the odd metal medallion, and wasted no time in addressing them. He was wearing what looked like fancy pajamas-- The incompetent magician that lived in town wore similar at night, and they were familiar with the practice, even though their dad preferred to sleep naked. [color=#d896ff]"Master Cedar-- To what do I owe....."[/color] the man started, a bit cheeky sounding, before trailing off. [color=#d896ff]"You are not Master Cedar. ... Who are.. You Two?"[/color] Lily and Rose looked at each other, then at the strange man in the medallion, then at each other again. [color=ed145b] "I's Lily..." [/color] [color=fdc68a]"An' I's Rose..."[/color] [color=#d896ff]"I see." [/color] said the man flatly. [color=#d896ff]"And where, exactly, is Master Cedar?"[/color] [color=ed145b] "HE WAS SHOT AT AN' SNATCHED!"[/color] [color=fdc68a]"THEYS DRUG 'IM OFF!"[/color] [color=ed145b]"WE DUNNO WHAT TA DO!"[/color] [color=fdc68a]"KIN YA HELP US!?"[/color] The sleepy looking, put out, but still very handsome looking man shook his head wearily before answering as if he were dealing with simpletons. [color=#d896ff]"WHO. Who has abducted Master Cedar. If you want our assistance, you need to answer my questions."[/color] [color=fdc68a]"SOME RED-HAIRED WOMAN AND AN UGLY OL' CRONE!"[/color] [color=ed145b]"SOME RED-HAIRED WOMAN AND AN UGLY OL' CRONE!"[/color] They blurted in unison. There was a long pause as the man looked at them with a deadpan expression, that subtly hinted that he knew EXACTLY who the two offending people were. [color=#d896ff]"You must come to the castle immediately. For both your safety, and his, you must--"[/color] [color=fdc68a]"Mister, we ain't ne'er been tuh no 'castle' afore, how we s'posed tuh git dere?!"[/color] The look of complete exasperation on the man's face was evident as his shoulders slumped, and his eyes rolled. [color=#d896ff]"Wait there, while I dress. I will contact you again shortly, and then I will tell you how to arrive here."[/color] and with that, the medallion abruptly cut off, the man's visage vanishing in an instant, leaving the two sisters dumbstruck, and staring at each other.