[h2][color=bfb5f1][center]Robert Linden[/center][/color][/h2] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/78/d9/ae/78d9ae61ace4db40e120e1a368748735.jpg[/img][/center] Rob listened to Mary starting to complain at him, he was listening for the most part, but mostly was trying every trick he knew of with the computers in order to get some of the pumps active... Failing that, he was hoping he may be able to open one of the airlocks in the entirely flooded area and vent the water harmlessly into space and then repressurize the area... But then he stopped. The kid who created all that water was still probably in the flooded area and that was consigning him to death. [color=bfb5f1]"Look, i appreciate that, but the simple fact is that i am a man who believes in fixing problems first and then assigning blame later. Right now, i am focussed on exactly 1 thing, getting everyone on this station through this day alive and for anoth..."[/color] He stopped mid sentence as he watched Mary start to get more noticably angry. [color=bfb5f1]"Crap he got to you, didn't he?"[/color] He asked. He set the computer to run a diagnostic on the pumps to figure out why they weren't working, which would take a few minutes anyway. He then jogged over to her. [color=bfb5f1]"Usually, i've just been confining those going through withdrawls to a quarters, but-"[/color] He then saw the fire blaze from their hands and stopped dead... [color=bfb5f1]"You..."[/color] He seemed to back off a little, before the metal from his wheelchair started to creep over his face and through his hair, as well as across his suit. He had no idea how the Professor had managed to design the suit to act as almost a second skin to him, but he suspected it had something to do with Unstable Molocules [color=bfb5f1]"Now, you gotta be careful with that, there is sensitive equipment in the walls, i insulated them as best i could, just be careful or we are getting either crushed by water pressure or turned inside out due to decompression."[/color] If this one was suffering from withdrawl he frankly didn't trust her to open a tin of beans that was already open without turning said tin into a nuclear inferno, but he also doubted he had the power to prevent her from doing it anyway. So, better to try to aim her in the right direction. Talk calmly and try not to aggravate her. [color=bfb5f1]"Just keep in mind that-"[/color] He pointed to the others in the room with a broad sweep of his arm. [color=bfb5f1]"-Your friends are all in here with you."[/color]