[center]Tuuni![/center] The void was empty, which made sense since it as a void. Actually, there wasn't even a void, as that would imply that there could be something more. In reality, there was nothing. Actually, that wasn't quite true either, since there was a scroll and various gods and even a bruhaha with a cow. So in truth, this place was empty except for a few things, which would qualify as not empty. Tuuni, a small imp of a god with long flowing hair and bushy eyebrows that all but covered his visage knitted his brow. In his hands he held a paddle and under his sandaled feet (hidden by his beard) he floated on a square of wood. He was slowly pushing himself towards the center of this nothing-but-something, where the scroll was asking for the arrival of others like him. Granted, he figured he was too late to write anything in the vessel, which was a shame but he also really wanted to arrive in a thematic way that unfortunately was slower than using his godly abilities to just be there. A small price to pay, besides, Tuuni figured, it was best to leave the heavy writing of the very cosmos to the larger gods and to create as little of a splash as possible, especially so early in the birth of this something. He was content to wait and see. He craned his neck as he thought, okay yes, there were things he wanted to do and things he wished he had written, but his excuses were enough to satisfy him for now. With a flourish he planted his paddle into nothing and stopped, high above the meandering gods, small black eyes peeking out from under his bushy brows to watch them. So begins the story of Tuuni and his new friends. [hider=Summary]A short introduction for Tuuni, who has finally arrived on a tiny tiny tiny raft for his tiny tiny tiny person. He is high above the others, watching happily and eager to meet his new kin. Might = 0 (as it is pre big bang)[/hider]