[b]The Ritz Hotel - 10/25/2022[/b] After a relaxing vacation - admittedly interrupted by a humanitarian crisis related to the undead - Marta was seated again in a space where she didn't quite belong. She'd been to many crisis situations, but typically, that was her alone, operating as a mendicant nun and talking with whoever needed to be talked to to get things done - sometimes a few informal agreements with NGOs and the local emergency services. Only recently has she begun liaising with an actual military force, and the differences are... striking. Still, it doesn't do to complain - [i]Ora et Labora[/i], as the Benedictines would say - and liberating prisoners from prisons in the shadow of an ecological disaster is about as righteous a mission as they come. She tugs nervously at the collar of her habit, unsure if she's worried they'll ask her to ditch it to infiltrate or if she'd be glad for the excuse to avoid the temperature where they're going. [color=f6989d]"Uh, hey, if I may ask a question-"[/color] She raises her hand more politely than she used to do in school. [color=f6989d]"Our mission is to disable the anti-air weapons and rescue the prisoners, yes? We shouldn't bust up the actual dam?"[/color] The Sister is more interested in the parts about saving lives than the ones that might involve taking them, but she thinks... maybe... the Left Hand of Might could destroy the dam. She flushes a bit as the awkwardness sets in - not offering the possibility seemed like malingering.